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Shared Mental Models: Insights and Perspectives on Ideologies and Institutions
Kyklos ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-09 , DOI: 10.1111/kykl.12244
Ravi K. Roy , Arthur T. Denzau

This article leads off a special symposium comprised of a select group of public choice economists and political scientists that assembled to reflect on the important contribution that Arthur T. Denzau and Douglass C. North’s seminal piece on Shared Mental Models (1993) has made over the last quarter of a century. Relatedly, we apply concepts from Denzau and North’s Shared Mental Models to suggest a modified model of the Nash equilibrium used in non-cooperative game theory to help us operationalize the “learning path” by which we can move from “siloed” thinking to a wider “systems” view of organizations, our environment, and indeed, the world. Our model has implications for the way we respond to economic crises, financial meltdowns, and global health epidemics, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.



这篇文章引发了一个由一组精选的公共选择经济学家和政治科学家组成的特别研讨会,他们聚集在一起反思 Arthur T. Denzau 和 Douglass C. North 关于共享心理模型(1993)的开创性文章对最后四分之一个世纪。相关地,我们应用 Denzau 和 North 的共享心理模型中的概念来提出非合作博弈论中使用的纳什均衡的修改模型,以帮助我们实施“学习路径”,通过该路径我们可以从“孤立”思维转向更广泛的思维。组织、我们的环境甚至世界的“系统”视图。我们的模型对我们应对经济危机、金融危机和全球健康流行病(例如 COVID-19 大流行)的方式有影响。