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Local Government Fiscal Policy, Social Capital and Electoral Payoff: Evidence across Italian Municipalities
Kyklos ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-30 , DOI: 10.1111/kykl.12209
Alberto Batinti , Luca Andriani , Andrea Filippetti

Citizens' attitudes and reactions to policymakers' decisions depend on several factors, including informal institutions. The novelty of this paper is to use social capital as a moderator factor to shed light on the relationship between fiscal policies and electoral outcomes. We investigate this relationship using a sample of 6,000 Italian municipalities over the period 2003‐2012 and use a Conditional Logit Matching model comparing incumbents to challengers' characteristics within each election. We find that social capital increases the odds of the re‐election of incumbent mayors who adopted a local fiscal policy more oriented towards capital investment (versus current expenditure) and towards property tax (versus income surcharge). This suggests that social capital encourages governmental functions and public policies improving long‐term economic commitments, institutional transparency, and accountability. It also shows that decentralization works relatively better with social capital.



公民对决策者决策的态度和反应取决于若干因素,包括非正式制度。本文的新颖之处在于利用社会资本作为调节因素来阐明财政政策与选举结果之间的关系。我们使用 2003 年至 2012 年期间 6,000 个意大利城市的样本来调查这种关系,并使用条件 Logit 匹配模型在每次选举中比较现任者与挑战者的特征。我们发现,社会资本增加了现任市长连任的几率,这些市长采取了更侧重于资本投资(相对于经常支出)和财产税(相对于收入附加费)的地方财政政策。这表明社会资本鼓励政府职能和公共政策改善长期经济承诺、制度透明度和问责制。它还表明,权力下放对社会资本的作用相对更好。