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The Language of the Kharg Island
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Pub Date : 2019-11-19 , DOI: 10.1017/s1356186319000403

Khargi is spoken on the island of Kharg in the Persian Gulf. A member of the Southwest branch of the Iranian languages, Khargi is related to the languages spoken in the province of Fārs and along the coastal line down to the Strait of Hormuz, suggesting extensive maritime contact, yet does not lend itself to any of the known subgroups of the family. As Khargi remains largely obscure, this article offers a morphosyntax and lexical analysis based on published texts and those collected by the author. It investigates the linguistic position of Khargi based on comparative-historical phonology as well as areal features, with a look at cross-linguistic influence in the situation of language contact. By contrasting linguistic findings with details of history and economy, an attempt is made to date the original and later human settlements on the island.1



哈尔吉语在波斯湾的哈尔格岛上使用。作为伊朗语言西南分支的一员,Khargi 与 Fārs 省和沿海沿线一直到霍尔木兹海峡的语言有关,表明有广泛的海上联系,但不适合任何已知的语言。家族的亚群。由于 Khargi 在很大程度上仍然晦涩难懂,本文提供了基于已发表文本和作者收集的文本的形态句法和词汇分析。它基于比较历史的音韵学以及一种真实特征,着眼于语言接触情况下的跨语言影响。通过将语言发现与历史和经济细节进行对比,试图确定岛上原始和后来的人类住区的年代。1