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Collaborative inquiry into service learning: ethical practice through a Pedagogy of CARE
Journal of Research in International Education Pub Date : 2019-02-10 , DOI: 10.1177/1475240919830005
Victoria Wasner 1

Practitioner inquiry is an ethical process that begins from a stance of caring. When one cares about the principles of democratic participation and social justice, one wants to advocate for them through modelling them in practice. When teachers engage in practice-based research that is democratic and radical in its intent and process, they act as ethical role models. The aims of this inquiry were to explore ethical principles of practice through a ‘students as researchers’ approach to service learning at the high school campus of an international school in Central Switzerland. The research question that drove the inquiry was; ‘How does meaningful teacher and student involvement as collaborative inquirers into service learning model a pedagogy for service learning?’ The participatory methodology of practice-based, collaborative inquiry involved a teacher-researcher and student researchers engaging in a pedagogy that was based on mutual understanding and respect and critical reflection. A rich variety of qualitative, practice-oriented methods were employed within cycles of inquiry and spirals of action and reflection. Through modelling and reflecting on the pedagogical strategies that were part of the collaborative research process, a framework for a ‘Pedagogy of CARE’ was developed. The acronym CARE, whilst representing the underlying stance of caring, stands for the required and desired personal attributes within collaborative inquiry; one is conscious, active, responsible and experimental. At the same time, it also embodies pedagogical principles; one engages in a practice of consciousness, action, responsibility and experimentation. This framework, conceptualised as a non-hierarchical pyramid model, can be used by teachers and educational researchers within international education and beyond to inform a practice that is ethical in both its process and intent.



从业者询问是一个从关怀立场开始的道德过程。当人们关心民主参与和社会正义的原则时,人们希望通过在实践中对其进行建模来倡导它们。当教师从事基于实践的研究时,他们的意图和过程是民主和激进的,他们充当道德榜样。本次调查的目的是在瑞士中部一所国际学校的高中校园通过“学生作为研究人员”的服务学习方法探索实践的伦理原则。推动调查的研究问题是;“作为服务学习模式的合作探究者,有意义的教师和学生参与如何成为服务学习的教学法?” 以实践为基础的参与式方法论,合作探究涉及教师-研究人员和学生研究人员,他们从事一种基于相互理解、尊重和批判性反思的教学法。在探究的循环和行动和反思的螺旋中采用了丰富多样的定性的、以实践为导向的方法。通过对作为协作研究过程一部分的教学策略进行建模和反思,开发了一个“关怀教学法”的框架。首字母缩略词 CARE 代表关怀的基本立场,代表协作查询中所需和期望的个人属性;一个是有意识的、积极的、负责任的和实验性的。同时,它也体现了教学原则;一个人从事意识、行动、责任和实验的实践。这个框架,