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Achaemenid Creation and Second Isaiah
Journal of Persianate Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-01 , DOI: 10.1163/18747167-12341305
Jason M. Silverman 1

For many years, scholars have entertained the idea that monotheism appeared in Second Isaiah as a result of Zoroastrian influence. Since the issue of monotheism is inappropriate for either the Persian or the Judaean contexts, this paper argues that a more fruitful angle to pursue the Persian context of Isaiah is through analysis of the concept of creation. This paper takes the Achaemenid creation prologues in the Old Persian inscriptions as a comparator for the use of creation in Second Isaiah, and places these two in a broader ancient Near Eastern context of creation mythology. It is argued that both share distinctive features in the way creation is presented and understood. Given the novel and similar concepts visible in both corpora, it is argued that the vision of creation and form of yhwh as creator are the earliest attested instance of “Iranian influence” on the Judaean tradition.



多年来,学者们一直认为一神论是由于琐罗亚斯德教的影响而出现在第二以赛亚书中的。由于一神论的问题对于波斯语或犹太语境都是不合适的,因此本文认为,通过分析创造概念,追求以赛亚波斯语境的一个更有成果的角度。本文将旧波斯铭文中的阿契美尼德创造序言作为第二以赛亚书中创造使用情况的比较者,并将这两者置于更广泛的古代近东创造神话中。有人认为,两者在呈现和理解创作的方式上都具有独特的特征。鉴于小说和类似的概念在这两个语料库可见,有人认为,建立和形式的视觉耶和华 作为创作者,“犹太人影响力”对犹太传统的最早证明就是实例。
