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King Artaxerxes’ Aegean Policy
Journal of Persianate Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-01 , DOI: 10.1163/18747167-12341304
Daniel Beckman 1

Ernst Badian has argued that it would have been ideologically unacceptable for the great king of Persia to submit to negotiations with Athens and to bind himself by oath to the resulting Peace of Callias. This interpretation, however, is the result of the later Greek conception of the Peace of Callias as an Athenian victory over Persia, and the Peace of Antalcidas as a Persian humiliation of Greece. In this paper, I argue that the Achaemenid kings of Persia inherited notions of kinship, empire, and diplomacy from their Neo-Assyrian predecessors, and therefore saw treaties as an honorable and legitimate tool of empire.



恩斯特·巴迪安(Ernst Badian)辩称,波斯的伟大国王接受与雅典的谈判并宣誓效忠由此产生的卡利亚斯和平,在思想上是不可接受的。然而,这种解释是后来希腊人将卡里亚斯和约视为雅典人对波斯的胜利,而安塔尔基达斯和约则是希腊人对希腊的屈辱的概念的结果。在本文中,我认为波斯的阿契美尼德国王继承了新亚述人的前身的亲属,帝国和外交观念,因此将条约视为帝国的光荣而合法的工具。
