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Utopian Spatialities: The Past as Present in the Films of Filippos Koutsaftis
Journal of Modern Greek Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/mgs.2019.0020
Dimitris Plantzos

Abstract:In the documentary work of cinematographer Filippos Koutsaftis, Greece's past is reconstructed as an ever-living presence by means of its archaeological imprint. In his films, Greece is re-imaged as a transcendent archaeological landscape, cruelly violated by a deeply uncultured and thoroughly misanthropic modernity. Following the example of Theo Angelopoulos and a distinct European tradition focusing on the documentation of contemporary dystopias, Koutsaftis composes his filmic text as a contemplative gesture that rehearses cultural memory while at the same time seeking to come to terms with what he describes as "the trauma of history." His portrayal of Greece as a utopian spatiality departs from the standard heterotopic conventions; according to Koutsaftis, the materiality of the past is imbued with a truly emancipatory force, and the experience of Greekness is restructured in his films not only as a historical or social process but also on the basis of the past's spatiality


乌托邦空间:Filippos Koutsaftis 电影中的过去

摘要:在电影摄影师 Filippos Koutsaftis 的纪录片作品中,希腊的过去通过其考古印记被重建为一个永恒的存在。在他的电影中,希腊被重新塑造成超凡脱俗的考古景观,被极度缺乏文化和完全厌恶人类的现代性残酷地侵犯。以 Theo Angelopoulos 的例子和专注于当代反乌托邦文献的独特欧洲传统为榜样,Koutsaftis 将他的电影文本作为一种沉思的姿态来排练文化记忆,同时试图接受他所描述的“创伤”历史的。” 他将希腊描绘成一个乌托邦式的空间,背离了标准的异位约定;根据库萨夫蒂斯的说法,