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Emperor Ras Tafari in Piraeus: Seferis's Colonial Anxieties
Journal of Modern Greek Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/mgs.2019.0017
Akis Gavriilidis

Abstract:Seferis's poem "Leofóros Syngroú II" has received little critical attention. Works outside the canon often prove a useful lens for an author's practice. This is also the case with this poem, which directly refers to a colonial and racial problematic. Seferis, both as an object of mainstream scholarship and as an icon of Greek pop culture during the last half of the 20th century, has been mainly seen as a champion of "Greekness" –construed as the solitary course of a unique nation through various vicissitudes. The author himself encouraged such a reading. In his work, however, we find evidence that Seferis was attentive to elements undermining this uniqueness, shifting attention to links, cleavages and hierarchizations within both Hellenism and humanity at large. This makes Greekness appear as a product of, and as an instrument for the production of, knowledge about and classification of individuals and ethnic groups, including self-knowledge and self-classification, as well as a technology for profiling and variously claiming and/or attributing rights to those groups. Our understanding of Seferis's Hellenism would be incomplete without its colonial and racial dimension.



摘要:塞菲里斯的诗歌《Leofóros Syngroú II》很少受到批评。经典之外的作品通常被证明是作者实践的有用镜头。这首诗也是如此,它直接提到了一个殖民和种族问题。Seferis 既是主流学术研究的对象,也是 20 世纪下半叶希腊流行文化的象征,主要被视为“希腊性”的拥护者——被理解为一个独特民族经历各种沧桑的孤独历程. 作者本人也鼓励这样的阅读。然而,在他的作品中,我们发现有证据表明 Seferis 关注破坏这种独特性的元素,将注意力转移到希腊主义和整个人类内部的联系、分裂和等级划分上。这使得希腊性出现为,作为生产、了解和分类个人和族群的工具,包括自我认识和自我分类,以及一种对这些群体进行剖析和以各种方式主张和/或赋予权利的技术。如果没有它的殖民和种族维度,我们对 Seferis 的希腊化的理解将是不完整的。