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The Story Only Few Can Tell: Exploring the Disproportionately Gendered Professoriate in Business Schools
Journal of Marketing Education ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-04 , DOI: 10.1177/0273475319879972
Anjala S. Krishen 1 , Michael T. Lee 2 , Robyn L. Raschke 1

In American business schools, the higher the position, the lower the female representation, especially when including additional intersections of identity such as race, sexual orientation, and ethnicity. Our article aims to supplement existing research regarding gender bias and underrepresentation in academia, particularly in business schools. Such research can uncover faculty gender issues, work toward mitigating the existing biases related to diversity and inclusion, and bring a needed voice and discussion for the purpose of moving toward solutions. To build our hypotheses, we provide a literature review regarding academic satisfaction, perceived performance weight–teaching and perceived performance weight–service differences between genders, and gender issues with the academic pipeline to full professor. Next, we utilize data collected from a sample of n = 696 academics from American business schools and find that women faculty have significantly lower academic satisfaction throughout all ranks and institutions. Our results further indicate that there are differences in perceived performance weight–teaching and perceived performance weight–service between female and male academics at the ranks of assistant and full professors at various types of institutions. Last, we offer conclusions and implications, limitations, and future research suggestions that include studies regarding intersectional faculty, academic mobbing and bullying, incivility, and academic satisfaction.



在美国商学院中,职位越高,女性代表越低,尤其是在包括其他身份交叉点(例如种族,性取向和种族)时。本文旨在补充有关学术界特别是商学院中有关性别偏见和代表性不足的现有研究。这样的研究可以发现教师的性别问题,努力减轻与多样性和包容性相关的现有偏见,并带来必要的声音和讨论,以寻求解决方案。为了建立我们的假设,我们提供了关于学术满意度,性别对性别之间的认知差异,以及对正式教授的学术交流等方面的文献综述。下一个,我们利用从美国商学院n = 696名学者的样本中收集的数据,发现在所有职级和机构中,女教师的学业满意度明显较低。我们的结果进一步表明,在各类机构的助理教授和正式教授中,男性和女性学者在感知绩效权重,教学和感知绩效权重方面存在差异。最后,我们提供结论和影响,局限性以及未来的研究建议,包括有关交叉教师,学术围攻和欺凌,不活跃和学术满意度的研究。我们的结果进一步表明,在各类机构的助理教授和正式教授中,男性和女性学者在感知绩效权重,教学和感知绩效权重方面存在差异。最后,我们提供结论,影响,局限性和未来的研究建议,包括有关交叉教师,学术围攻和欺凌,不活跃和学术满意度的研究。我们的结果进一步表明,在各类机构的助理教授和正式教授中,男性和女性学者在感知绩效权重,教学和感知绩效权重方面存在差异。最后,我们提供结论和影响,局限性以及未来的研究建议,包括有关交叉教师,学术围攻和欺凌,不活跃和学术满意度的研究。