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Wave Hindcasting and Anchoring Activities in Ancient Harbours: The Impact of Coastal Dynamics on Ancient Carthago Nova (Cartagena, Spain)
Journal of Maritime Archaeology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s11457-020-09259-9
Felipe Cerezo-Andreo , Francisco J. López-Castejón , Sebastian F. Ramallo-Asensio , Javier Gilabert-Cervera

This study analyses nautical harbour activities and their spatial distribution using a high-resolution method of wind-wave hindcasting, in order to identify the location of safe and sheltered anchorage areas. We apply this methodological approach to evaluate the ancient harbour of Carthago Nova from the Punic period to the Late Roman period (third century BC–fourth century AD). Literary sources have defined Carthago Nova (Cartagena, Spain) as the only natural harbour of Hispania and one of the best in the Mediterranean, with Escombreras Island as the main natural feature that protects the harbour. Due to the scarcity of archaeological evidence and the transformation the harbour has undergone over time, this study has been considered necessary and carried out in order to supersede the current general and anachronic observations of wind-wave effects. Through an interdisciplinary approach, we analyse one of the main factors that determines the safe anchorage of ships: coastal wind waves. The modelling and simulation of waves have been applied using the SWAN model, paleo-topographic reconstruction, and maritime archaeological data. By means of GIS spatial analysis, an Anchorage Safety Index has been established that computes data from paleo-bathymetry, wind, and simulated wave height. This high-resolution analysis allows us to assess in detail the impact of coastal and island topography on nautical activities inside ancient harbours.


古代港口的波浪后倾和锚泊活动:海岸动力学对古代 Carthago Nova 的影响(西班牙卡塔赫纳)

本研究使用高分辨率风波后报方法分析海港活动及其空间分布,以确定安全和避风锚地的位置。我们应用这种方法论来评估从布匿时期到罗马晚期(公元前 3 世纪至公元 4 世纪)的 Carthago Nova 古港口。文学资料将 Carthago Nova(西班牙卡塔赫纳)定义为西班牙唯一的天然海港,也是地中海最好的海港之一,埃斯科姆布雷拉斯岛是保护海港的主要自然景观。由于考古证据的稀缺以及港口随着时间的推移而发生的变化,这项研究被认为是必要的,并且为了取代目前对风浪效应的一般和不合时宜的观察而进行。通过跨学科的方法,我们分析了决定船舶安全锚地的主要因素之一:沿海风浪。已使用 SWAN 模型、古地形重建和海洋考古数据应用了波浪的建模和模拟。通过 GIS 空间分析,已经建立了锚地安全指数,用于计算来自古水深测量、风和模拟波高的数据。这种高分辨率分析使我们能够详细评估沿海和岛屿地形对古港口内航海活动的影响。和海洋考古数据。通过 GIS 空间分析,已经建立了锚地安全指数,用于计算来自古水深测量、风和模拟波高的数据。这种高分辨率分析使我们能够详细评估沿海和岛屿地形对古港口内航海活动的影响。和海洋考古数据。通过 GIS 空间分析,已经建立了锚地安全指数,用于计算来自古水深测量、风和模拟波高的数据。这种高分辨率分析使我们能够详细评估沿海和岛屿地形对古港口内航海活动的影响。