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Testing for a Change in Mean under Fractional Integration
Journal of Time Series Econometrics ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1515/jtse-2015-0006
Fabrizio Iacone 1 , Stephen J. Leybourne 2 , A.M. Robert Taylor 3

Abstract We consider testing for the presence of a change in mean, at an unknown point in the sample, in data that are possibly fractionally integrated, and of unknown order. This testing problem has recently been considered in a number of papers, most notably Shao (2011, “A Simple Test of Changes in Mean in the Possible Presence of Long-Range Dependence.” Journal of Time Series Analysis 32:598–606) and Iacone, Leybourne, and Taylor (2013b, “A Fixed-b Test for a Break in Level at an Unknown Time under Fractional Integration.” Journal of Time Series Analysis 35:40–54) who employ Wald-type statistics based on OLS estimation and rely on a self-normalization to overcome the fact that the standard Wald statistic does not have a well-defined limiting distribution across different values of the memory parameter. Here, we consider an alternative approach that uses the standard Wald statistic but is based on quasi-GLS estimation to control for the effect of the memory parameter. We show that this approach leads to significant improvements in asymptotic local power.


