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Roman attitudes to empire and imperialism: the view from history
Journal of Roman Archaeology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-11 , DOI: 10.1017/s1047759419000242
Hannah Cornwell

In a letter written to Atticus in mid March 60 B.C., Cicero (Att. 1.19.2) flagged up a number of concerns regarding the situation in Gaul: In public life at the moment, fear of a Gallic war is the big issue. For the Aeduans, our brothers, have recently fought a hard fight and without doubt the Helvetii are up in arms and making excursions into the province. The senate has decreed that the consuls should cast lots for the two Gauls, that levies should take place with no exemptions valid, and that legates with authority should be sent to go to the Gallic communities and to make an effort to prevent them from joining forces with the Helvetii (author’s transl.)



在公元前 60 年 3 月中旬写给阿蒂克斯的一封信中,西塞罗(攻击者. 1.19.2) 对高卢局势提出了一些担忧:在目前的公共生活中,对高卢战争的恐惧是大问题。对于我们的兄弟 Aeduan 人来说,最近进行了一场艰苦的战斗,毫无疑问,Helvetii 人全副武装并前往该省进行短途旅行。元老院已下令,执政官应为两个高卢人拈阄,征税应在没有有效豁免的情况下进行,并应派有权力的使节前往高卢社区并努力阻止他们联合起来与 Helvetici(作者翻译)