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Reconstructing the phases of the fortifications of the legionary fortress at Novae (Moesia Inferior)
Journal of Roman Archaeology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-05 , DOI: 10.1017/s1047759420001105
Piotr Zakrzewski

Since 1960, archaeological research in the area of the legionary base at Novae (fig. 1) has yielded many traces of its defensive system.1 Although the results were published regularly in field reports,2 information on the fortifications remained inadequate due to the methodologies and measuring equipment used in those days. Even with the new discoveries made in the 1980s and 1990s, most notably the earth-and-timber defences, many crucial issues including the chronology and construction sequence remained unresolved.3 Therefore in 2005 a review of the early excavations began within the framework of a postexcavation project, “Per lineam munitionum”. It involved recording all visible architectural and archaeological remains from previous seasons of fieldwork through the cleaning and deepening of old trenches. If the original stratigraphy was found to be too disturbed, soundings were extended. Advanced methods such as geodesy, photogrammetry and 3D modelling significantly improved the interpretation. In several years of topographic survey almost all of the early trenches were located, the general plan updated and corrected,4 and a detailed digital terrain model (DTM) produced (fig. 2).


重建 Novae (Moesia Inferior) 军团要塞的防御工事阶段

自 1960 年以来,在 Novae 军团基地区域的考古研究(图 1)已经产生了许多关于其防御系统的痕迹。1虽然结果定期在现场报告中公布,2由于当时使用的方法和测量设备,关于防御工事的信息仍然不足。即使在 1980 年代和 1990 年代取得了新的发现,尤其是土木防御工事,包括年代学和施工顺序在内的许多关键问题仍未解决。3因此,在 2005 年,在挖掘后项目的框架内开始了对早期挖掘的审查,“每线弹药”. 它涉及通过清理和加深旧战壕,记录前几季田野工作中所有可见的建筑和考古遗迹。如果发现原始地层被干扰太大,则扩大测深。大地测量学、摄影测量学和 3D 建模等先进方法显着改善了解释。在几年的地形测量中,几乎所有的早期战壕都被定位了,总图更新和修正,4并制作了详细的数字地形模型 (DTM)(图 2)。