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Exploratory Study of Common Changes in Client Behaviors Following Routine Psychotherapy: Does Psychological Flexibility Typically Change and Predict Outcomes?
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s10879-020-09468-2
Shamell Brandon , Christina Pallotti , Meenal Jog

Psychological flexibility refers to a modifiable pattern of interacting with one’s experiences with openness and awareness (acceptance-and-mindfulness) and active engagement guided by personal values (commitment-and-behavioral activation). Psychological flexibility has a base of research literature that supports its utility as a model of human behavioral health and pathology. Although the model is central in organizing the therapeutic processes of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, researchers have argued that psychological flexibility processes might be activated in other effective therapy models included in routine psychotherapy, even if those models do not purport to target those processes. This study explored the degree to which aspects of clients’ psychological flexibility, specifically acceptance-and-mindfulness and commitment-and-behavioral activation, changed after episodes of routine psychotherapy and were predictors of outcome changes for a clinically heterogeneous sample (n = 197) in a naturalistic treatment setting. Results showed statistically significant and small improvements in acceptance-and-mindfulness (d = 0.22) and commitment-and-behavioral activation (d = 0.24) and that changes in psychological flexibility were significant predictors of changes in both flourishing and distress, explaining 42% and 23% of those respective therapy outcomes. Whereas a mix of therapy approaches may slightly improve psychological flexibility, more explicit attention to strengthening it might benefit the work of diverse psychotherapists given its potential relevance to achieving common overarching therapy outcomes.



心理灵活性是指一种以开放和意识(接受和正念)和以个人价值观为指导的积极参与(承诺和行为激活)与个人经历互动的可修改模式。心理灵活性有研究文献的基础,支持其作为人类行为健康和病理学模型的效用。尽管该模型在组织接受和承诺疗法的治疗过程中处于核心地位,但研究人员认为,心理灵活性过程可能会在常规心理治疗中包含的其他有效治疗模型中被激活,即使这些模型并不旨在针对这些过程。本研究探讨了来访者心理灵活性的哪些方面,特别是接受和正念以及承诺和行为激活,在常规心理治疗发作后发生变化,并且是自然治疗环境中临床异质样本(n = 197)的结果变化的预测因子。结果显示,接受和正念(d = 0.22)和承诺和行为激活(d = 0.24)在统计上显着和小幅改善,心理灵活性的变化是繁荣和痛苦变化的重要预测因子,解释了42%和 23% 的相应治疗结果。虽然混合治疗方法可能会略微提高心理灵活性,但更明确地关注加强它可能有益于不同心理治疗师的工作,因为它与实现共同的总体治疗结果的潜在相关性。