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Communicating science in organizational contexts: toward an “organizational turn” in science communication research
Journal of Communication Management ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-03 , DOI: 10.1108/jcom-04-2020-0034
Mike S. Schäfer , Birte Fähnrich

Research on science communication in organizational contexts is scarce – even though many cases can be found where organizations from science and beyond communicate about science-related issues, or where organizational contexts have an impact on the communication of individual scientists and scientific organizations. Therefore, it is time for an “organizational turn” in science communication research, and for more scholarly emphasis on the specific cases that science-related communication in, from and about organizations presents. Such an approximation would benefit both science communication research and analyses of strategic and organizational communication.,This special issue of the “Journal of Communication Management” on “Communicating Science in Organizational Contexts” is a step in this direction: It compiles commentaries from leading scholars in the respective fields as well as research articles coming from various disciplines and conceptual as well as methodological paradigms. In the editorial, we assess overlaps between scholarship on science communication and strategic communication, respectively, based on a meta-analysis of journals in the field(s), develop a guiding heuristic for analyzing science communication in organizational settings, and introduce the contributions to the special issue.,The meta-analysis shows that overlaps between science communication research and scholarship on strategic communication are scarce. While organizations and their communication appear occasionally, and increasingly often, in science communication research, scholars of strategic communication only rarely analyze science communication.,The meta-analysis is limited to the publications of five scholarly journals over ten years. It still demonstrates the lack of research in the intersection of scholarship on science communication and strategic communication.,Scientific organizations are rapidly extending and professionalizing their strategic communication, and an increasing number of organizations beyond science communicate on science or science-related issues. Understanding science communication in organizational settings, therefore, is crucial for practitioners in both areas.,Analyzing science communication in organizational settings is of increasing importance – yet few studies exist that have done it, and the respective research fields devote not much attention to one another. The special issue is a first foray into this new, intersectional field.



尽管在许多情况下,科学界以外的组织就与科学有关的问题进行交流,或者组织环境对个别科学家与科学组织的交流产生影响,但在组织环境中进行科学交流的研究却很少。因此,现在是时候进行科学传播研究的“组织转向”了,更应该在学术上强调与组织有关的,与组织有关的和与组织有关的科学传播的具体情况。这样的近似值将有益于科学传播研究以及对战略和组织传播的分析。《传播管理杂志》中的“组织环境中的传播科学”这一特刊是朝这个方向迈出的一步:它汇编了各个领域的顶尖学者的评论以及来自各个学科,概念以及方法范式的研究文章。在社论中,我们基于该领域期刊的荟萃分析,分别评估了科学传播与战略传播奖学金之间的重叠之处,开发了用于分析组织环境中科学传播的指导启发法,并介绍了对荟萃分析表明,科学传播研究与战略传播学者之间的重叠很少。尽管组织及其交流偶尔出现,并且在科学传播研究中越来越频繁,但是战略传播学者很少分析科学传播。荟萃分析仅限于十年来五种学术期刊的出版物。它仍然显示出在科学传播和战略传播的学术研究交叉方面缺乏研究。科学组织正在迅速扩展其战略传播并将其专业化,并且越来越多的组织在科学或科学相关问题上进行科学传播。因此,了解组织环境中的科学传播对这两个领域的从业者都是至关重要的。分析组织环境中的科学传播的重要性日益增加-很少有研究做到这一点,并且各个研究领域彼此之间的关注度并不高。 。特刊是这个新的交叉领域的首次尝试。