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La Apatrida and TPS: Counter-Hegemonic News and Reclaiming Dignity in Haitian National Newspapers
Journal of Communication Inquiry ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-09 , DOI: 10.1177/0196859918791581
Shearon Roberts 1

This study examined the news coverage of two immigration stories involving Haitian migrants that made international headlines. Those two news stories were (a) the deportation of Dominicans of Haitian descent and (b) the end of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for displaced Haitians residing in the United States after the 2010 Haiti earthquake. This study sampled 198 Haitian newspaper articles over the 6-month period that both stories made global headlines in 2015 and then in 2017. The two Haitian national newspapers Le Nouvelliste, the country’s paper of record, and Le Nacional, the country’s newest daily, affirmed the rights and dignity of people of Haitian origin displaced by policy attributed as xenophobic and racist. Haitian newspapers described Haitian migrant families as being equally Dominican, regardless of their status, and in the United States, as being lawful migrants with rights under TPS. Haitian newspapers varied in their coverage of the governments of the two countries, being more critical of the administration of President Donald Trump, but more nuanced in their coverage of the Dominican Republic’s government.


La Apatrida 与 TPS:海地国家报纸的反霸权新闻与重拾尊严

这项研究调查了两个成为国际头条新闻的涉及海地移民的移民故事的新闻报道。这两个新闻报道是 (a) 海地血统的多米尼加人被驱逐出境,以及 (b) 2010 年海地地震后居住在美国的流离失所的海地人的临时保护地位 (TPS) 结束。这项研究在 6 个月的时间里对 198 篇海地报纸文章进行了抽样调查,这两篇文章分别在 2015 年和 2017 年成为全球头条新闻。 两家海地国家报纸 Le Nouvelliste(该国的记录纸)和 Le Nacional(该国最新的日报)肯定了因仇外和种族主义政策而流离失所的海地人的权利和尊严。海地报纸将海地移民家庭描述为同样是多米尼加人,无论他们的身份如何,在美国,作为拥有 TPS 权利的合法移民。海地报纸对两国政府的报道各不相同,对唐纳德特朗普总统的政府更为批评,但对多米尼加共和国政府的报道更为细致。