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Recalling Persky: White Rage and Intimate Publicity After Brock Turner
Journal of Communication Inquiry ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-08 , DOI: 10.1177/0196859919867265
Ashley Noel Mack 1 , Bryan J. McCann 1

By attending to the successful campaign to recall and unseat Judge Aaron Persky in retaliation for his sentencing decision in the sexual assault trial of Stanford University athlete Brock Turner, we argue that the campaign constituted a White intimate public that directed White rage toward the judge for his perceived betrayals of a White paternal social contract. Because the campaign posited Persky’s willingness to inflict carceral violence upon Turner as the measure of his fidelity to the state’s obligations with regard to sexual violence and equality under the law, it legitimized carceral solutions that disproportionately harm communities of color. Such a centering of carceral solutions betrayed the public’s affective divestment from the needs of marginalized communities.



通过参加罢免和罢免法官亚伦·珀斯基的成功运动,以报复他在斯坦福大学运动员布洛克·特纳 (Brock Turner) 的性侵犯审判中做出的判决决定,我们认为该运动构成了白人的亲密公众,将白人的愤怒引向法官察觉到对白人父系社会契约的背叛。由于该运动将 Persky 愿意对特纳施加监禁暴力作为衡量他对国家在性暴力和法律规定的平等方面义务的忠诚度的衡量标准,因此它使过度伤害有色人种社区的监禁解决方案合法化。这种集中的监狱解决方案背叛了公众对边缘化社区需求的情感剥夺。