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Grayson Perry and the recalibration of masculine emotional reactions to vulnerability and healing
Journal of Analytical Psychology ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-13 , DOI: 10.1111/1468-5922.12594
Donald Butler 1

The so-called 'crisis in masculinity' in the post-industrial/post-feminist world is not a new idea but in recent years it does seem to have forced its way back onto the agenda due to a lack of traditional employment, such as coal mining, thus robbing generations of men of their cultural identities. This collective 'crisis' has emerged through media attention on a succession of well-known men in the arts and sports worlds such as Bruce Springsteen, Stormzy, Professor Green and Rio Ferdinand, who share in common a strong sense of masculine identification. In addition, all have openly discussed the healing and relief experienced by embracing the vulnerable, emotional aspects of themselves, or what has been historically characterized as the anima archetype in Jungian psychology. This essay will recount some of their stories of struggle as they have bravely spoken up about their mental health issues, perhaps diminishing, by example, the erroneous notion of depression as a 'woman's problem'. As noted, in recent times we have witnessed a proliferation of famous men speaking out about their emotional difficulties, often in the context of loss and depression, thus providing potential role-modelling for a more expanded view of contemporary masculinity. This paper attempts to consider the tendency amongst a particular type of modern man who is both traditionally macho and simultaneously emotionally articulate with the capacity to open up about the experiences of their inner worlds and the environmental pressures they face in a fast-paced and ever-changing world. Beginning with some brief stories about the men listed above, the primary focus will be on the work of the UK cross-dressing artist and Turner Prize winner (2003) Grayson Perry (b. 1960), by studying his unusual and highly creative clarion call to challenge modern men to recalibrate their emotional behaviour and to speak openly about loss and emotional difficulty. As readers will see, he has developed a unique method that includes filmed, televised interactional interviews with various individuals and groups and he then produces art pieces that embody what has transpired through his engagement with their suffering and real-life dilemmas. This highly creative process offers a double or even triple containment for those struggling with all-too-human pain via the holding interview with him directly; the artwork that he creates as a result; and then through the recording on film that is shared with television audiences who are deeply affected by what they witness and who perhaps find a form of healing via identification.


格雷森·佩里(Grayson Perry)和男性对脆弱性和康复的情绪反应的重新校准

后工业/后女权主义世界中所谓的“男子气概危机”并不是一个新概念,但近年来由于缺乏传统就业,它似乎确实被迫重新回到议程上,例如煤矿开采,从而剥夺了几代人的文化身份。这场集体“危机”是通过媒体对一系列艺术和体育界知名人士的关注而出现的,例如布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀 (Bruce Springsteen)、斯托姆齐 (Stormzy)、格林教授和里奥·费迪南德 (Rio Ferdinand),他们都具有强烈的男性认同感。此外,所有人都公开讨论了通过拥抱自己脆弱的、情绪化的方面或历史上被称为荣格心理学中的阿尼玛原型的东西所经历的治愈和解脱。这篇文章将讲述他们勇敢地谈论自己的心理健康问题时的一些斗争故事,或许可以减少将抑郁症视为“女性问题”的错误观念。如前所述,最近我们目睹了大量名人谈论他们的情感困难,通常是在失落和抑郁的背景下,从而为更广泛地了解当代男性气质提供了潜在的榜样。本文试图考虑特定类型的现代人的倾向,他们既传统上具有男子气概,同时又在情感上清晰地表达了他们在快节奏和不断变化的情况下对内心世界的体验和面临的环境压力敞开心扉的能力。变化的世界。从关于上面列出的男人的一些简短故事开始,主要关注英国变装艺术家和特纳奖获得者(2003 年)格雷森佩里(生于 1960 年)的作品,通过研究他不寻常且极具创意的号角挑战现代男性重新调整他们的情绪行为,并公开谈论失落和情绪困难。正如读者所见,他开发了一种独特的方法,包括对不同的个人和团体进行拍摄、电视直播的互动采访,然后他制作的艺术作品体现了他与他们的痛苦和现实生活困境的接触所发生的事情。这个极具创造性的过程通过与他的直接采访,为那些在极度人性的痛苦中挣扎的人提供了双重甚至三重的遏制;他因此而创作的艺术品;