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Disquiet in the consulting room: everything/nothing that is said here is confidential
Journal of Analytical Psychology ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-16 , DOI: 10.1111/1468-5922.12521
Julia Meyerowitz‐Katz 1

Writing from experiences in the consulting room in private practice in Australia, the author refers to the layered complexity of a conflict of ethical duty which has legal and social implications. The paper explores how the ethics that are congruent with creating a safe vas bene claustrum can be diametrically opposed to the social and legal structures and processes on which we all rely. It is suggested that within the vas, analysts and analysands engage in a shared process of emotionally connected, layered, symbolic thinking. Subpoenas directed at analysts are seeking concrete evidence that will stand up in court. The paper argues that this is a category error based on ignorance and misconceptions of what analytic work entails. The intrusion of a subpoena into the vas has the potential to cause havoc in the mental health and the lives of already vulnerable, possibly traumatized and isolated individuals. It can undermine a fundamental human right and undermine the profession of psychotherapy as a whole. The paper proposes that analysts have an ethical obligation to protect the work contained within the vas from these category errors and to educate other professionals as to why we cannot provide the kind of evidence that the courts require.



作者根据在澳大利亚私人执业咨询室的经验,提到了具有法律和社会影响的道德责任冲突的分层复杂性。该论文探讨了与创建安全的 vas bene claustrum 一致的伦理如何与我们所有人所依赖的社会和法律结构和程序截然相反。建议在 vas 内,分析师和被分析者参与情感连接、分层、象征性思维的共享过程。针对分析师的传票正在寻求在法庭上站得住脚的具体证据。该论文认为,这是一种基于对分析工作所涉及的内容的无知和误解的类别错误。传票进入输精管有可能对心理健康和已经脆弱、可能受到创伤和孤立的人的心理健康和生活造成严重破坏。它可能会损害一项基本人权并损害整个心理治疗行业。该论文提出,分析师有道德义务保护 vas 中包含的工作免受这些类别错误的影响,并教育其他专业人士为什么我们不能提供法院要求的那种证据。