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Richard Misrach and Kate Orrf's Petrochemical America: Cartographies of the Picturesque
Journal of American Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-10 , DOI: 10.1017/s0021875819000951

This article looks at the landscape photographer Richard Misrach's collaboration with the architect Kate Orff in Petrochemical America (2012), a prizewinning examination of the effects of the oil industry in the Mississippi delta. Whilst situating its critique of the oil industry in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, Petrochemical America nonetheless uses a variety of aesthetic devices from previous centuries and traditions, in particular the use of the picturesque in landscapes of the nineteenth century. Through this and other mechanisms, the images in Petrochemical America become potential allegories for the paradoxical coexistence of a picturesque nature visibly affected by industrial transformation.


理查德·米斯拉赫(Richard Misrach)和凯特·奥尔夫(Kate Orrf)的石化美国:风景如画的制图

本文着眼于风景摄影师 Richard Misrach 与建筑师 Kate Orff 在美国石化(2012 年),对密西西比三角洲石油工业影响的获奖研究。在对 20 世纪和 21 世纪的石油工业进行批判的同时,美国石化尽管如此,它还是使用了前几个世纪和传统的各种审美手段,特别是在十九世纪的风景中使用了如画的风景。通过这种机制和其他机制,图像中的美国石化成为受工业转型影响的风景如画的自然矛盾共存的潜在寓言。