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Care Coordination of Services for People Living with HIV: A Case Study of a Rural Clinic
Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/15538605.2018.1526155
Nicholaus Erber-lapierre 1

Abstract The healthcare landscape is changing with the development of integrated health care models across the country. Counseling is uniquely positioned to add to the continuum of services of integrated health by providing counseling and case management services through advocacy for clients. One particular chronic illness that remains highly stigmatized is HIV, which is slowly becoming more integrated into the larger healthcare system. This pilot study documents the process and experience of a hospital-based midwestern AIDS service organization in the development of innovative and unique services to address the needs of the HIV population in a rural midwestern state.



摘要 随着全国综合医疗保健模式的发展,医疗保健格局正在发生变化。咨询处于独特的地位,通过为客户提供咨询和案例管理服务来增加综合健康服务的连续性。一种仍然受到高度污名化的特定慢性疾病是艾滋病毒,它正逐渐融入更大的医疗保健系统。这项试点研究记录了一家以医院为基础的中西部艾滋病服务组织在开发创新和独特的服务以满足中西部农村州艾滋病毒人群需求方面的过程和经验。