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Is the Pramāṇavārttika a Madhyamaka Treatise?
Journal of Indian Philosophy ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s10781-020-09443-0
Tsering Nurboo

This paper deals with the problem of the Pramāṇavārttika’s tenet affiliation and the related question of its final philosophical view within the framework of Buddhist philosophical schools. There are contrasting views and positions on this issue in Tibetan interpretations of the text. Some claim that the Pramāṇavārttika is a text advocating the other-emptiness (gzhan stong) doctrine, while other scholars argue that it is a Sautrāntika–Vijnānavāda or Vijnānavāda treatise. By contrast, Padma dkar po holds view that it is a Svātantrika-Madhyamaka text, while believing that it explicates the epistemological theories of Sautrāntika and Vijnānavāda. The present paper shows why Padma dkar po does not agree with other Tibetan interpretations on this issue, and why he deals with this problem by attributing a Svātantrika-Madhyamaka affiliation to the Pramāṇavārttika. This paper is divided into three sections. The first section discusses the reason why the Pramāṇavārttika is not a text written from the perspective of the doctrine of other-emptiness. The second section deals with the question of whether it is a Sautrāntika–Vijnānavāda work or a Vijnānavāda text. It will be shown that for Padma dkar po it is none of them. The third and the last section show the reasons why Padma dkar po interprets the Pramāṇavārttika as a text written from the Svātantrika-Madhyamaka perspective.


Pramāṇavārttika 是中观论吗?

本文在佛教哲学流派的框架内处理了Pramāṇavārttika的教义归属问题及其最终哲学观点的相关问题。藏族对文本的解释在这个问题上存在不同的观点和立场。有些人声称《梵行经》是一部宣扬他空(gzhan stong)教义的文本,而其他学者则认为它是一部《经经》-Vijnānavāda 或 Vijnānavāda 论。相比之下,Padma dkar po 认为它是一部 Svātantrika-Madhyamaka 文本,同时认为它解释了 Sautrāntika 和 Vijnānavāda 的认识论理论。本文说明了为什么Padma dkar po 不同意其他藏人在这个问题上的解释,以及为什么他通过将 Svātantrika-Madhyamaka 隶属关系归于 Pramāṇavārttika 来处理这个问题。本文分为三个部分。第一部分讨论为什么《梵行经》不是从他空学说的角度写成的文本。第二部分处理它是《经经》-Vijnānavāda 作品还是 Vijnānavāda 文本的问题。它将被证明,对于 Padma dkar po 来说,它们都不是。第三部分也是最后一部分显示了为什么莲花生大士将《梵行》解释为从 Svātantrika-Madhyamaka 的角度写成的文本的原因。第二部分处理它是《经经》-Vijnānavāda 作品还是 Vijnānavāda 文本的问题。它将被证明,对于 Padma dkar po 来说,它们都不是。第三部分也是最后一部分显示了为什么莲花生大士将《梵行》解释为从 Svātantrika-Madhyamaka 的角度写成的文本的原因。第二部分处理它是《经经》-Vijnānavāda 作品还是 Vijnānavāda 文本的问题。它将被证明,对于 Padma dkar po 来说,它们都不是。第三部分也是最后一部分显示了为什么莲花生大士将《梵行》解释为从 Svātantrika-Madhyamaka 的角度写成的文本的原因。