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Journal of Human Values ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-19 , DOI: 10.1177/0971685820916714
Manish Thakur

The current issue of the JHV comprises six interesting papers covering a wide range of substantive themes. In his well-researched paper, Chia-Chien Chang examines war finance and domestic economic inequality from the vantage point of a fair tax system. Looking at tax fairness as a desirable value, he spells out multiple implications of war finance choices in relation to domestic economic inequality. In a way, Chang’s paper takes the study of values to the broad field of international political economy. While comparing the United States war finance in the Korean and Vietnam Wars, he maps out the larger challenges for the pursuits of tax fairness, democratic accountability and the prospects for peace. In another theoretically informed article, Omer Ersin Kahraman considers consumption and the consumptive production of labour power as a new language of socio-symbolic meanings in contemporary times. His article investigates the modern consumption practice as an ideological state apparatus a la the French theorist Louis Althusser. Ananta Kumar Giri explores manifold processes of meaning generation as processes of coming together of people as well as souls, what is called Lokasamgraha in the Indic tradition. He underlines the need for new cosmopolitan movements as well as to build a planetary Lokasamgraha amidst the emergent global crisis. His article has a broader conceptual sweep and alludes to the vision and practices of upholding our world of meanings and regenerating our earth. Kaushik Roy presents the dynamic capabilities of a social venture by examining organizational spaces through qualitative research. He understands dynamic capability as inhering in the purpose, the constructed memory and selves of human actors in the organization and the collective endeavours that make the organization through deliberative processes. His reading of organizations foregrounds an idea of capability that emerges from the varied meanings that human actors make in organizations. Parag D. Parobo revisits the nature of resistance to the Portuguese colonial rule in Goa. According to him, fixing dominance on the colonial state narrows the agency of resistance and, consequently, produces a framework that leads to an emphasis on the formal properties of colonial power thereby ignoring its local context. His reading of the local context is historically nuanced to the extent that it captures those forms and processes through which the dominant castes are relocated and redefined as primordial nationalists. By focusing on the existence of local dominance, his paper lays bare the interplay of subaltern resistance and the workings of power in the specific context of temple ownership and the attendant identity struggles. Sukhamjit Kaur studies religiosity and internalization of moral identity as effective variables of prosocial behaviour. Her analysis shows that high moral identity internalization leads to socially responsible behaviour, along with higher empathic concern and perspective-taking abilities. As usual, we remain committed to the diversity of content and plurality of perspectives. I do hope that you find the issue useful and enjoyable.



本期JHV包括六篇有趣的论文,涵盖了广泛的实质性主题。在研究深入的论文中,张建建从公平税制的角度考察了战争融资和国内经济不平等。他将税收公平视为一种理想的价值,阐明了战争融资选择与国内经济不平等相关的多重含义。在某种程度上,张的论文将价值研究带到了国际政治经济学的广阔领域。在比较朝鲜战争和越南战争中的美国战争经费时,他描绘了在追求税收公平,民主问责制和和平前景方面面临的更大挑战。在另一篇理论上有根据的文章中,Omer Ersin Kahraman认为,消费和劳动力的消费性生产是当代社会象征意义的一种新语言。他的文章研究了法国理论家路易斯·阿尔都塞(Louis Althusser)作为意识形态国家手段的现代消费实践。阿南塔·库玛·吉里(Ananta Kumar Giri)探索意义生成的各种过程,将人们和灵魂融合在一起,在印度传统中被称为Lokasamgraha。他强调,在新的全球危机中,需要进行新的国际运动,以及建设行星式的卢卡森格拉哈。他的文章涵盖了更广泛的概念,并暗示了维护我们的意义世界和再生我们的地球的愿景和实践。考希克·罗伊(Kaushik Roy)通过定性研究来考察组织空间,从而展示了社会事业的动态能力。他将动态能力理解为组织宗旨,组织中人类行为者的固有记忆和自我,以及通过审议过程使组织成长的集体努力。他对组织的阅读提出了一种能力观念,这种观念源于人类行为者在组织中所具有的各种含义。Parag D. Parobo重新审视了对果阿葡萄牙殖民统治的抵抗性质。根据他的说法,将统治权置于殖民地国家会缩小抵抗的力量,因此,产生了一个框架,导致人们强调殖民地权力的形式属性,从而忽略了其当地背景。从历史上讲,他对当地背景的理解具有微妙的意义,以至于它抓住了那些种姓和种姓被重新安置并重新定义为原始民族主义者的形式和过程。通过关注地方统治的存在,他的论文揭示了在寺庙所有权和随之而来的身份斗争的特定背景下,次要抵抗与权力运作之间的相互作用。Sukhamjit Kaur研究宗教信仰和道德认同的内在化,作为亲社会行为的有效变量。她的分析表明,高度道德认同的内化会导致对社会负责的行为,以及更高的移情关注度和观点捕捉能力。与往常一样,我们仍然致力于内容的多样性和多种观点。我希望您觉得这个问题有用和愉快。