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Book Review: Claudia Keller: Lebendiger Abglanz: Goethes Italien-Projekt als Kulturanalyse
Journal of European Studies ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0047244119872028j
John Guthrie

or Yves Frontenac, for example), while in the cases of Paul and Raymond Courrèges we are reminded of ways in which Mauriac turned to acquaintances or members of his family for models. As with all volumes of this kind there is heavy critical support. Most entries furnish details of translations, editions and related relevant articles, many of which have been reproduced almost wholesale from the virtual in-house publications, the Cahiers or Nouveaux Cahiers François Mauriac and the Cahiers de Malagar, but there is no consistency and others remain blank. The notes to the five volumes in the Pléiade edition of Mauriac’s works are used judiciously. The dictionary closes with a wide-ranging ‘Bibliographie’ predominantly of work published in France or written in French. A wider search especially for critical editions of his novels or the many articles published elsewhere or in other languages would have been both interesting and valuable. Not surprisingly the volume has been warmly received by Mauriac enthusiasts who will turn to it for a reference, a confirmation, or simply out of curiosity in the hope of finding something new or unusual, and few will be disappointed. Gaps remain, however, and while consistency of approach in more than 700 entries may have been difficult to ensure, greater editorial oversight and control would have resulted in an even more rewarding ‘dictionary’.


书评:克劳迪娅·凯勒:Lebendiger Abglanz:Goethes Italien-Projekt als Kulturanalysis

或 Yves Frontenac,例如),而在 Paul 和 Raymond Courrèges 的案例中,我们想起了 Mauriac 向熟人或家人寻求模特的方式。与所有此类卷一样,有大量的关键支持。大多数条目提供翻译、版本和相关相关文章的详细信息,其中许多几乎是从虚拟内部出版物、Cahiers 或 Nouveaux Cahiers François Mauriac 和 Cahiers de Malagar 中批量复制的,但没有一致性,其他内容仍然存在空白的。Mauriac 作品的Pléiade 版五卷的注释被明智地使用。该词典以广泛的“参考书目”结尾,主要是在法国出版或用法语撰写的作品。更广泛地搜索他的小说的评论版本或在别处或以其他语言发表的许多文章,既有趣又有价值。毫不奇怪,这本书受到了 Mauriac 爱好者的热烈欢迎,他们将转向它作为参考、确认,或者只是出于好奇,希望找到新的或不寻常的东西,很少有人会失望。然而,差距仍然存在,虽然可能难以确保 700 多个条目的方法的一致性,但更大的编辑监督和控制会导致更有价值的“词典”。或者只是出于好奇,希望找到新的或不寻常的东西,很少有人会失望。然而,差距仍然存在,虽然可能难以确保 700 多个条目的方法的一致性,但更大的编辑监督和控制会导致更有价值的“词典”。或者只是出于好奇,希望找到新的或不寻常的东西,很少有人会失望。然而,差距仍然存在,虽然可能难以确保 700 多个条目的方法的一致性,但更大的编辑监督和控制会导致更有价值的“词典”。