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Book Review: Ludwig Klages: Gedenkblätter
Journal of European Studies ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0047244120918065m
Paul Bishop

Carswell’s scrupulous ordering of material gleaned from his review of how the Fall of France has been recorded and remembered is a tremendous achievement. He writes with perspicuity and with a welcome absence of finger-wagging. In a work that is rich in scholarship while remaining eminently accessible, the author argues convincingly that the French defeat was not inevitable but resulted essentially from a complex interplay of constraints, failures and contingency. The Fall of France in the Second World War will appeal to readers who have an interest in modern history – especially the Second World War – and/or in French history. Sadly, the prohibitively high cover price will probably deter some readers from buying their own copy. It is to be hoped that Palgrave Macmillan will publish a paperback edition, thus enabling more people to buy this excellent book.


书评:Ludwig Klages:Gedenkblätter

Carswell 从他对如何记录和记住法国沦陷的评论中收集的材料一丝不苟地整理,这是一项巨大的成就。他写得清晰明了,而且没有摇动手指,这是值得欢迎的。在一部既有丰富学术内涵又易于阅读的作品中,作者令人信服地论证了法国的失败并非不可避免,而是主要由制约因素、失败和偶然性的复杂相互作用造成的。法国在第二次世界大战中的沦陷将吸引对现代历史(尤其是第二次世界大战)和/或法国历史感兴趣的读者。可悲的是,过高的封面价格可能会阻止一些读者购买自己的副本。希望帕尔格雷夫·麦克米伦出版平装本,