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Book Review: Jeffrey Brooks: The Firebird and the Fox: Russian Culture under Tsars and Bolsheviks
Journal of European Studies ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0047244120918065t
Robin Milner-Gulland

citizens of Siberia: ‘Never anywhere did I happen to see such moral neglect in people, such moral dissipation, and such an insult to familial relations ... It happens that the husband often beats his wife, and the wife poisons the husband! I am not saying this exclusively about the lower working class, because even in higher society you can find the same thing, and with the only difference that with higher one, it is more possible to have more ways and means to conceal lechery and abomination with the appearance of integrity and virtue!’ (pp. 81–2). Bogusławski continues to castigate (quite rightly) the excessive use of brutal corporal punishments by the Siberian authorities on what they regarded as recalcitrant prisoners. One particularly horrific incident occurred in the town of Omsk in 1837. The gruesome tale is told in the memoirs of Bogusławski’s fellow exile, Rufin Piotowski, published in 1861. Under the leadership of an exiled Polish Catholic clergyman, Prior Sierociński, a plot was hatched to raise a rebellion, based in Omsk, against the Russian government with the ultimate unrealistic aim of creating an independent Siberia. The plot, hatched in 1834, was betrayed to the authorities by three Polish ‘traitors’ and a huge mopping-up operation of the conspirators was instigated by one Colonel de Grave, commandant of the Omsk fortress. Piotowski reckons that about 1000 people were rounded up, imprisoned, subjected to a series of official inquires and finally sentenced to various degrees of flogging and fustigation. He goes on further to describe in horrifying detail the excruciating ordeal suffered by the condemned men, sentenced to between 200 and 7000 blows of the heavy rods as they were dragged through the gauntlet. Sierociński, old, frail and already physically decrepit was saved for the last, having been forced to witness the torments of his comrades. Even when he collapsed and died under the lashes, the presiding officer ordered that the full 7000 blows be completed on the ruined corpse. Piotrowski was not himself a witness to this atrocity, but all his sources – Polish, Russian and Siberian – attest to the authenticity of his lurid account. But in the final analysis, Blake’s book, though not without interest, does not shed much greater illumination on the operation of one of the most notorious aspects of the Russian judicial, social and penal system, which has already been well documented and researched by both Russian and western scholars. It is, however, an extra, if somewhat dim, sidelight on the history of Siberian exile in the nineteenth century.



西伯利亚市民:“我从未在任何地方看到过这样的人在道德上的疏忽,这样的道德败坏,这样对家庭关系的侮辱……丈夫经常殴打妻子,妻子毒害丈夫!” 我并不是专门针对下层工人阶级说这些,因为即使在上流社会,你也可以找到同样的东西,唯一的区别是,上层社会更可能有更多的方法和手段来掩盖他们的淫欲和憎恶。正直和美德的出现!(第 81-2 页)。博古斯瓦夫斯基继续(非常正确地)谴责西伯利亚当局对他们认为顽固的囚犯过度使用残酷的体罚。1837 年在鄂木斯克市发生了一件特别可怕的事件。博古斯瓦夫斯基的流亡同胞鲁芬·皮奥托夫斯基 (Rufin Piotowski) 在 1861 年出版的回忆录中讲述了这个可怕的故事。 在流亡的波兰天主教神职人员普里尔·谢罗辛斯基 (Prior Sierociński) 的领导下,策划了一场以鄂木斯克为基地的反叛俄罗斯政府的阴谋以创建一个独立的西伯利亚为最终不切实际的目标。该阴谋于 1834 年策划,被三名波兰“叛徒”出卖给当局,并由鄂木斯克要塞的指挥官德格雷夫上校策动了一场大规模的扫荡行动。皮奥托夫斯基估计,大约有 1000 人被围捕、监禁、接受了一系列官方调查,最后被判处不同程度的鞭刑和刑罚。他进一步详细描述了被判死刑的人所遭受的痛苦折磨,当他们被拖过手套时,被判处 200 至 7000 下重杆打击。Sierociński 年事已高,身体虚弱,身体已经衰弱,被迫目睹战友们的折磨,最后被救了出来。甚至当他倒下,被鞭打而死的时候,主持官下令,对那具残破的尸体进行足足七千次的打击。Piotrowski 本人并不是这一暴行的目击者,但他的所有消息来源——波兰语、俄罗斯语和西伯利亚语——都证明了他耸人听闻的叙述的真实性。但归根结底,布莱克的书虽然不是没有兴趣,但并没有对俄罗斯司法、社会和刑罚系统中最臭名昭著的方面之一的运作提供更多的启示,这两个方面已经得到了很好的记录和研究。俄罗斯和西方学者。然而,