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Explicit Autonomy, Implicit Control: User Autonomy in the Dichotomous Choice Architecture of Facebook
Journal of Creative Communications ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-18 , DOI: 10.1177/0973258619893787
Deepti Singh Apte 1

The article aims to unravel the implicit soft-control of users by Facebook through the framework of choice architecture as proposed by Thaler and Sunstein (2008) in their well-known work Nudge. It explores the dichotomous foundation of Facebook’s choice architecture in which users are given an apparent sense of autonomy while the platform implicitly soft-controls them. This paradoxical power plays functions through two broad types of nudges—activity-inducing nudges and passivity-inducing nudges. The mechanism of functioning of these nudges on Facebook is explored while noting the behavioural patterns they induce among users. Facebook’s transition from information architecture to choice architecture is also explored. Thus, the article aims to contribute to the growing body of work, which has underscored the importance of assessing web 2.0 as the ‘technological unconscious’ which has penetrated everyday life.


