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The Match-up Between Celebrity Associations and Product Type
Journal of Creative Communications ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-08 , DOI: 10.1177/0973258619875604
Yadvinder Parmar 1 , Mandeep Kaur Ghuman 1 , Bikram Jit Singh Mann 1

This research develops a generic framework that matches celebrity associations with various product categories and finds an ideal set of celebrity associations for each product category. Three studies have been conducted for achieving the purpose of the study. Study one identifies associations that consumers link with celebrities and classifies them into thirteen different categories. It also finds a total of 30 products and services that consumers associate with celebrity endorsements. In study two, the respondents are asked if each of the three celebrities is appropriate for endorsing each of the 30 identified products and services. The results support the match-up hypothesis notion that different celebrities are considered appropriate for different product categories. In study three, the respondents were asked to identify the associations that a celebrity should possess for endorsing various product categories. The results reveal that the celebrity associations can be classified into two broad categories—universal associations and product specific associations. Universal associations include the associations which the respondents consider to be essential for all types of products. Product specific associations include the associations that vary in their importance depending on the type of product category. The findings have significant implications for academicians, brand managers and celebrity management companies.



这项研究开发了一个通用框架,将名人协会与各种产品类别相匹配,并为每个产品类别找到了理想的名人协会集。为了实现研究目的已经进行了三项研究。研究之一确定了消费者与名人之间的联系,并将其分为十三类。它还找到了与名人代言相关的消费者共30种产品和服务。在研究二中,询问受访者三个名人中的每一个是否适合认可30种已标识的产品和服务。结果支持匹配假设的观点,即不同的名人被认为适合不同的产品类别。在研究三中 要求受访者确定名人在认可各种产品类别时应具有的联想。结果表明,名人协会可以分为两大类:通用协会和特定产品协会。通用协会包括被调查者认为对所有类型的产品都是必不可少的协会。产品特定的关联包括其重要性随产品类别的类型而变化的关联。该发现对院士,品牌经理和名人管理公司具有重要意义。结果表明,名人协会可以分为两大类:通用协会和特定产品协会。通用协会包括被调查者认为对所有类型的产品都是必不可少的协会。产品特定的关联包括其重要性随产品类别的类型而变化的关联。该发现对院士,品牌经理和名人管理公司具有重要意义。结果表明,名人协会可以分为两大类:通用协会和特定产品协会。通用协会包括被调查者认为对所有类型的产品都是必不可少的协会。产品特定的关联包括其重要性随产品类别的类型而变化的关联。该发现对院士,品牌经理和名人管理公司具有重要意义。