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Development and current challenges of language courses for immigrants in Sweden
Journal of Adult and Continuing Education Pub Date : 2020-05-07 , DOI: 10.1177/1477971420918271
Milena Öbrink Hobzová 1

Sweden has been the target country for migrants and refugees for many decades now. One important tool for the integration of newcomers is the language classes called ‘Svenska för invandrare’ (Swedish for Immigrants). The aim of this article is to answer how Swedish for Immigrants has developed to respond to changes in attitudes to integration and to migration patterns since the 60s (not only as a result of European migration crisis in 2015) and analyse the challenges the system is currently facing. The article outlines the development of the language courses, explores the challenges against the current model and discusses the current state today. It also gives an insight into problems connected with the marginalisation of immigrants in Sweden. The article uses official documents and statistics to draw a picture of the system itself, while analysing the contemporary situation with the help of up-to-date sources, reports and newspaper articles to show that Sweden, often used as a model state for its integration policy, has got limits in this type of education.



几十年来,瑞典一直是移民和难民的目标国。融入新移民的一种重要工具是名为“ Svenskaförinvandrare”(瑞典移民语言)的语言课程。本文的目的是回答瑞典移民移民组织如何发展,以应对自60年代以来对融合和移民模式的态度变化(不仅是由于2015年的欧洲移民危机所致),并分析该体系当前面临的挑战面对。本文概述了语言课程的发展,探讨了针对当前模型的挑战,并讨论了当前的现状。它还提供了与瑞典移民边缘化有关的问题的见解。本文使用官方文档和统计数据来绘制系统本身的图片,
