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Register and Layout in Epistolary Judeo-Arabic
Jewish History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s10835-019-09331-5
Esther-Miriam Wagner

Medieval letters from the Cairo Geniza can be broadly classified into private, official, or mercantile correspondence, and all use particular linguistic registers. Official correspondence, for example, shows abundant code switching into Hebrew and the employment of high-style versus lower-style prose. Mercantile letters actively avoid Hebrew and emulate supraconfessional Arabic writing standards. Private letters typically display more colloquial and less standardized forms than other genres and are more often written in crude handwriting. Among these private letters, we find one written by or for women that share common features of colloquiality and less standardization even when they are transcribed by male scribes. Linguistic registers are also influenced by the time and place in which they are written, and comparing Geniza letters from different areas and time periods exposes geographic and chronological characteristics. For example, North African letters tend to be linguistically more conservative, and Babylonian and Egyptian letters show differences in layout and style. Throughout the medieval period, orthographic, grammatical, lexical, and stylistic changes in the letters reflect social and economic evolution over time. The principal trend is a distinct move away from prescriptive Arabic linguistic norms from the late twelfth century on.



来自开罗 Geniza 的中世纪信件可以大致分为私人、官方或商业信件,并且都使用特定的语言记录。例如,官方信件显示大量代码切换到希伯来语以及使用高级风格与低级风格的散文。商业信件积极避免使用希伯来语并效仿超信条的阿拉伯语写作标准。私人信件通常比其他体裁显示出更多的口语化和标准化程度更低的形式,并且更常以粗笔书写。在这些私人信件中,我们发现一封由女性撰写或为女性撰写的信件,即使由男性抄写员抄写,也具有共同的口语化和标准化程度较低的特征。语言记录也受书写时间和地点的影响,比较来自不同地区和时间段的 Geniza 字母可以揭示地理和年代特征。例如,北非字母在语言上往往更保守,巴比伦和埃及字母在布局和风格上表现出差异。在整个中世纪时期,字母的拼写、语法、词汇和文体变化反映了社会和经济随时间的演变。主要趋势是从 12 世纪后期开始明显脱离规定的阿拉伯语语言规范。信件中的文体变化反映了社会和经济随时间的演变。主要趋势是从 12 世纪后期开始明显脱离规定的阿拉伯语语言规范。信件中的文体变化反映了社会和经济随时间的演变。主要趋势是从 12 世纪后期开始明显脱离规定的阿拉伯语语言规范。