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The Emancipation of Slaves and the Auto-Emancipation of the Jews: The Impact of the American Civil War and the Abolition of Slavery on the Precursors of Zionism
Jewish History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s10835-020-09365-0
Asaf Yedidya

Research on the Jews, the issue of slavery in the southern states, and the American Civil War has naturally focused on the Jews of the United States, who, as citizens, were reluctant to become involved in the debate that divided their country during those years. However, the attitude of the Jews in the Old World towards the events unfolding on a continent thousands of miles away has rarely been studied. This article examines the small group of Jews from Europe and the Land of Israel who became known as the “precursors of Zionism” and their attitude towards the American Civil War and the emancipation of the slaves. This group was very sensitive to historical changes, sometimes even imbuing them with metaphysical meaning that went far beyond their political significance.



对犹太人、南部各州奴隶制问题和美国内战的研究自然而然地集中在美国的犹太人身上,他们作为公民,不愿卷入那些年间分裂国家的辩论中。 . 然而,很少有人研究旧世界的犹太人对千里之外大陆上发生的事件的态度。本文考察了来自欧洲和以色列土地的一小群犹太人,他们被称为“犹太复国主义的先驱”,以及他们对美国内战和奴隶解放的态度。这个群体对历史变迁非常敏感,有时甚至赋予其超乎政治意义的形而上学意义。