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Apostasy, Conversion, and Marriage: Rabbi Jacob Tam’s Ruling Permitting the Marriage of a Female Apostate
Jewish History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s10835-020-09364-1
Shalem Yahalom

Jewish law imposes far-reaching sanctions upon those who transgress the prohibition of adultery, not least of all the adulteress. Her husband must end the marriage, and following the divorce, the woman is forbidden to marry the adulterer. In addition, the adulteress loses the financial rights recorded in her marriage contract and the identity of the offspring of this act has the status of a mamzer . The Tosafot authored by R. Samson b. Abraham of Sens under his mentor R. Isaac b. Samuel (Ri of Dampierre), in the second half of the twelfth century, records a surprising halakhic opinion attributed to his mentor, R. Jacob b. Meir (Rabbenu Tam), that sexual contact between a Jewish woman and a Gentile is not considered adultery. The frequency of cases of apostasy led R. Tam and his circle to invest efforts in restoring to the community those who had converted to Christianity. Marital bonds with Christians were a significant obstacle to those Jews who wished to return to Jewish life. R. Tam therefore ruled that even if the relationship commenced before the woman received the bill of divorce from her first husband, the case is not defined as adultery, and the apostate and her Gentile partner are permitted to continue their shared life as Jews. The notion that sexual relations with a Gentile are different from those with a Jew also resolved legal complications resulting from acts of rape against Jewish women and eased the accompanying burden of shame and defilement.



犹太法律对违反通奸禁令的人施加了深远的制裁,尤其是对所有通奸者。她的丈夫必须结束婚姻,离婚后,女人不得与通奸者结婚。此外,淫妇失去了其婚约中记载的经济权利,而该行为的后代的身份则具有了“嫖客”的身份。由 R. Samson b. 撰写的 Tosafot。桑斯的亚伯拉罕在他的导师 R. Isaac b. 塞缪尔(丹皮埃尔的里)在 12 世纪下半叶记录了一个令人惊讶的哈拉克观点,这归功于他的导师 R. Jacob b. Meir (Rabbenu Tam),犹太妇女和外邦人之间的性接触不被视为通奸。叛教案件的频率导致 R. 谭和他的圈子投入努力恢复社区那些皈依基督教的人。与基督徒的婚姻关系对那些希望回归犹太人生活的犹太人来说是一个重大障碍。因此,R. Tam 裁定,即使该妇女在收到第一任丈夫的离婚法案之前就开始了这种关系,该案件也不被定义为通奸,并且允许背道者和她的外邦伴侣继续他们作为犹太人的共同生活。与外邦人发生性关系不同于与犹太人发生性关系的观念也解决了因强奸犹太妇女而导致的法律问题,并减轻了随之而来的羞耻和污秽的负担。因此,谭裁定,即使该妇女在收到第一任丈夫的离婚法案之前就开始了这种关系,该案件也不被定义为通奸,并且允许叛教者和她的外邦伴侣继续他们作为犹太人的共同生活。与外邦人发生性关系不同于与犹太人发生性关系的观念也解决了因强奸犹太妇女而导致的法律问题,并减轻了随之而来的羞耻和污秽的负担。因此,谭裁定,即使该妇女在收到第一任丈夫的离婚法案之前就开始了这种关系,该案件也不被定义为通奸,并且允许叛教者和她的外邦伴侣继续他们作为犹太人的共同生活。与外邦人发生性关系不同于与犹太人发生性关系的观念也解决了因强奸犹太妇女而导致的法律问题,并减轻了随之而来的羞耻和污秽的负担。