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Russophobia in DotA 2: A critical discursive analysis of online discrimination
International Review of Pragmatics ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1163/18773109-01001003
Albin Wagener 1

Online gaming has been a fascinating field of study for the last ten years, especially in the field of socialization (Kolo & Baur, 2004) or even language use and language learning (Thorne, Black & Sykes, 2009). It has become clear that gamers are able to perform processes of identification in completely new ways in these particular contexts, yet forums linked to specific games become a new source of metapragmatic or metadiscursive utterances. Through their experiences in the game, users make comments, assumptions and draw conclusions in order to ‘do identity’ and separate themselves from Others. The aim of this paper will be to analyse the discourses produced in a corpus of forum discussions linked to “DotA 2”, a popular MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) game where players from every country of the world gather, which leads to specific forms of discrimination—especially towards Russian gamers. In order to analyse these discursive productions and their semantic and pragmatic impacts, we will use three different approaches in order to triangulate our results: a lexicometric analysis (Garric & Capdevielle-Mougnibas, 2009), the semantic study of argumentative possibilities (Galatanu, 2009) and the mobilization of the proximization model (Cap, 2010), in order to understand the semantic variations and dynamics that are at use when gamers publish discourses about Russian players. In particular, we wish to explore how these precise discourses about Russian players are drawing on pragmatics of common sense (Sarfati, 2011), insofar as they rely on prediscourses (Paveau, 2006) to maintain pragmatic effects which imply cognitive impacts on speakers (Maillat & Oswald, 2009) as well as on the interdiscourses at use (Garric & Longhi, 2013).



在过去的十年中,在线游戏一直是一个引人入胜的研究领域,尤其是在社交化领域(Kolo和Baur,2004年),甚至是语言使用和语言学习领域(Thorne,Black&Sykes,2009年)。很明显,游戏玩家能够在这些特定环境中以全新的方式执行识别过程,但是与特定游戏相关的论坛成为元语用或元话语的新来源。通过在游戏中的经验,用户可以做出评论,做出假设并得出结论,以“做身份”并使自己与他人区分开。本文的目的是分析与流行的MOBA “ DotA 2”相关的一系列论坛讨论中产生的话语。(多人在线战场)游戏,来自世界每个国家的玩家聚集在一起,这导致了特定形式的歧视,尤其是对俄罗斯玩家的歧视。为了分析这些话语产物及其语义和语用影响,我们将使用三种不同的方法对结果进行三角化:词汇计量分析(Garric&Capdevielle-Mougnibas,2009),论证可能性的语义研究(Galatanu,2009) )和接近模型的动员(第,Cap,2010年),以了解游戏者发布有关俄罗斯玩家的话语时所使用的语义变化和动态变化。特别是,我们希望探讨有关俄罗斯玩家的这些精确话语如何利用常识的语用学(Sarfati,2011),只要他们依赖于话语(Paveau,2011)。
