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Reflections on discourse and knowledge
International Review of Pragmatics ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1163/18773109-01001005
József Andor 1

Jozsef Andor: Thank you very much for accepting my call for an interview. I would like to start it by asking the “father” of modern text linguistics, author of the first, now classic, theoretically orientedmonograph, about the current state of the art. At the timewhenMouton inTheHague published your SomeAspects of Text Grammars, and in the periods immediately following it, text linguistics mainly concentrated on providing a grammar-like description, interpretation of texts, just slightly extending the scope of analysis beyond the frames of the sentence. This was probably due to the intent to provide a new level of linguistic representation, one that was higher in its scope than that of syntax in linguistic theory. Text linguistics as formulated in the 80s of the last century, this way, was basically a part of the systemic description of language. It may be stated, in view of the later developments of the field, that the early period of modern text linguistics concentrated on outlining frameworks to describe what now can be called the connexity, that is, the primarily grammatically relatedbodyof knowledgeof texts, or at bestwhat at the timewas called ‘locally based cohesion’. Therewere a number of models developedwith this scope, but perhaps yours and that of Halliday and Hasan were the most influential ones. As amatter of fact, the earlymodelswere at the timeunable to grasp the textual norms of coherence, the role of world knowledge and what has been called ‘common ground’ by Herbert Clark. How do you see, interpret the process of the development of the discipline from the early stages, frompurely and strictly linguistically based descriptions of texts to the present daymodels of textology,



Jozsef Andor:非常感谢您接受我的采访电话。首先,我想问一下现代文字语言学的“父亲”,他是第一本,现在是经典的,理论上有针对性的专着的作者,关于当前的艺术水平。在海牙木顿发表您的《文本语法的某些方面》时,紧接其后的时期中,文本语言学主要集中于提供类似于语法的描述,文本解释,只是将分析范围略微扩展到句子框架之外。这可能是由于意图提供一种新的语言表示形式,其范围比语言理论中的语法更高。这样,上世纪80年代制定的文本语言学基本上是语言系统描述的一部分。可以指出的是,鉴于该领域的后期发展,现代文本语言学的早期集中在概述框架以描述现在可以被称为连接性的地方,即主要与语法相关的文本知识主体,或至善之处。当时被称为“基于本地的凝聚力”。在此范围内开发了许多模型,但也许您的模型以及Halliday和Hasan的模型才是最有影响力的模型。实际上,早期模型当时无法掌握文本的连贯性规范,世界知识的作用以及赫伯特·克拉克所称的“共同点”。您如何看待,解释从早期阶段开始的学科发展过程,