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Application of the Literacy Training Service component of the National Service Training Program in New Bilibid Prison (Philippines)
International Review of Education ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s11159-019-09799-w
Emma Lina F. Lopez

In 2000, the government of the Philippines launched its National Service Training Program (NSTP), a compulsory 2-semester course component for all the country’s Bachelor and technical vocational students. There is a choice of three subject areas, one of which is the Literacy Training Service (LTS) module. This is designed to train students in teaching literacy and numeracy skills to schoolchildren, out-of-school youths and other citizens in need of their services, including prison inmates. This article looks into the application of NSTP-LTS at New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila. The author’s study involved 24 students (13 female, 11 male) from the University of the Philippines teaching 40 male inmate learners incarcerated in the national penitentiary’s medium security compound over a period of two months. Many of the inmate learners (aged 14–61) had very low literacy and numeracy skills, and some had never been to school at all. The university students were immersed in an environment entirely unknown to them and performed roles from which they obtained a different perspective and understanding of society. The inmate learners were eager to avail of this opportunity to participate in second-chance education. Despite the many benefits of this learning process for all participants, in her conclusion, the author points out several challenges which still need to be overcome to optimise the application of NSTP-LTS in correctional institutions of the Philippines.



2000 年,菲律宾政府启动了国民服役培训计划 (NSTP),这是该国所有本科和技术职业学生的 2 学期必修课程。有三个学科领域可供选择,其中之一是扫盲培训服务 (LTS) 模块。这旨在培训学生向学童、失学青年和其他需要他们服务的公民(包括监狱囚犯)教授识字和算术技能。本文探讨了 NSTP-LTS 在马尼拉大都会蒙廷卢帕市新比利比德监狱的应用。作者的研究涉及来自菲律宾大学的 24 名学生(13 名女性,11 名男性),在两个月的时间里教 40 名被监禁在国家监狱中等安全大院的男性囚犯学习者。许多囚犯学习者(14-61 岁)的识字和算术能力非常低,有些甚至从未上过学。大学生们沉浸在一个他们完全陌生的环境中,扮演着不同的角色,从中获得了对社会的不同视角和理解。囚犯学习者渴望利用这个机会参与二次教育。尽管这个学习过程对所有参与者都有很多好处,但作者在总结中指出了几个挑战,为了优化 NSTP-LTS 在菲律宾惩教机构的应用,仍然需要克服这些挑战。大学生们沉浸在一个他们完全陌生的环境中,扮演着不同的角色,从中获得了对社会的不同视角和理解。囚犯学习者渴望利用这个机会参与二次教育。尽管这个学习过程对所有参与者都有很多好处,但作者在总结中指出了几个挑战,为了优化 NSTP-LTS 在菲律宾惩教机构的应用,仍然需要克服这些挑战。大学生们沉浸在一个他们完全陌生的环境中,扮演着不同的角色,从中获得了对社会的不同视角和理解。囚犯学习者渴望利用这个机会参与二次教育。尽管这个学习过程对所有参与者都有很多好处,但作者在总结中指出了几个挑战,为了优化 NSTP-LTS 在菲律宾惩教机构的应用,仍然需要克服这些挑战。