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Refugee Admissions and Public Safety: Are Refugee Settlement Areas More Prone to Crime?
International Migration Review ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-28 , DOI: 10.1177/0197918320920192
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes 1 , Cynthia Bansak 2 , Susan Pozo 3

According to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the number of refugees worldwide rose to 21.3 million in 2015. Yet, resistance to the welcoming of refugees appears to have grown. The possibility that refugees may commit acts of terrorism or engage in criminal behavior has served as fuel for the Trump Administration’s position in 2017. Is there any basis for these fears? We exploit the variation in the geographic and temporal distribution of refugees across U.S. counties to ascertain if there is a link between refugee settlements and local crime rates or terrorist events in the United States. We fail to find any statistically significant evidence of such a connection.



据联合国难民事务高级专员公署称,2015 年全球难民人数增至 2130 万。然而,对欢迎难民的抵制似乎有所增加。难民可能犯下恐怖主义行为或从事犯罪行为的可能性已经成为特朗普政府 2017 年立场的燃料。这些担忧有什么根据吗?我们利用难民在美国各县的地理和时间分布的差异来确定难民定居点与美国当地犯罪率或恐怖事件之间是否存在联系。我们没有找到任何统计上显着的证据证明这种联系。