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Diplomatic Transcription: The Transmission of Photius, Cyril and Theodoret in Mid-Sixteenth-Century Italy
International Journal of the Classical Tradition ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s12138-019-00550-2
Andrew W. Taylor

Almost a half-century before the two remaining Venetian possessions on the Greek mainland, Nauplion (Nafplio) and Monemvasia, were ceded to the Ottomans in 1540, the presses of the humanist-printer Aldus Manutius had begun to associate Venice with the transmission of Greek literary culture to the republic of letters.1 Venice was and remained the most important marketplace for Greek manuscripts old and new, with émigré and often penurious Greek scholars struggling to survive as scribes, editors and traffickers of these texts. Although Aldus and his learned community seem not to have had much access to the 752 manuscripts (482 Greek) donated to the Republic by Cardinal Bessarion shortly before his death in 1468, Venice possessed other libraries whose holdings could supply



1540年,在希腊大陆上剩下的两个威尼斯人的财产,瑙普利翁(Nafplio)和莫奈姆瓦夏被割让了近半个世纪,人道主义印刷家Aldus Manutius的印刷机开始将威尼斯与希腊的传播联系起来1威尼斯曾经是,而且仍然是新旧希腊手稿的最重要市场,随着移民和常常是忧郁的希腊学者努力作为文字的抄写员,编辑和贩运者生存。尽管Aldus和他的博学社区似乎没有太多机会接触Bessarion红衣主教在1468年去世前捐赠给共和国的752手稿(482希腊文),但威尼斯拥有其他图书馆,这些图书馆可以提供