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Red: An Ethnographic Study of Cross-Pollination Between the Vedic and the Tantric
International Journal of Hindu Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s11407-019-09258-z
Sravana Borkataky-Varma

This essay explores the connections between Tantric rites and those of Indian tribal religions with “blood” as the central subject. Rooted in ethnographic research in Assam, India, the essay compares the ritual of bali, animal sacrifice, as practiced in the famous śākta pīṭha, Kāmākhyā, with corresponding data gathered from the practice of bali in the indigenous Ṭiwā tribe. The ethnographic findings are further mapped to instructions on bali given in the tenth-century text Kālikāpurāṇa and the sixteenth-century text Yoginītantra to highlight these complex negotiations that have continued for centuries. The primary objective of this essay is to concretize and bring into relief some of the dynamics inherent in the ways these neighboring sacrificial traditions relate to each other, to Brāhmaṇical Sanskritic norms, to sacred space, and to recent challenges from animal rights activists. In doing so, the essay also briefly discusses the mind state of the sacrifier and the effects of the sacrifice on the community.



本文探讨了密宗仪式与以“血”为中心主题的印度部落宗教之间的联系。这篇文章植根于印度阿萨姆邦的民族志研究,比较了著名的 śākta pīṭha, Kāmākhyā 中的巴厘岛祭祀仪式,以及从土著 Ṭiwā 部落的巴厘岛习俗中收集的相应数据。人种学发现进一步映射到 10 世纪文本 Kālikāpurāṇa 和 16 世纪文本 Yoginītantra 中给出的关于巴厘岛的说明,以突出这些持续了几个世纪的复杂谈判。本文的主要目的是具体化并揭示这些相邻的祭祀传统相互关联的方式中固有的一些动态,与婆罗门梵文规范,神圣空间,以及最近来自动物权利活动家的挑战。为此,本文还简要讨论了牺牲的心态以及牺牲对社区的影响。