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Are “youth days” effective at motivating new sport participation? Evidence from a pre-post event research design
International Journal of Event and Festival Management ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-16 , DOI: 10.1108/ijefm-03-2019-0019
Jordan Taylor Bakhsh , Luke R. Potwarka , Ryan Snelgrove

The purpose of this paper is to explore the effects that exposure to a youth day event at an elite sport competition has on youth spectators’ motivations to participate in the sport on display.,The paper was underpinned by the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Pre- and post-event questionnaires were administered to local grade seven and eight students (n=318) as part of a youth day event at the 2016 Milton International Track Cycling Challenge in Ontario, Canada. Questionnaires assessed each TPB construct one week before the youth day and immediately following the event.,The paper provides empirical insights about the shifts from pre- to post-event behavioral antecedent measures. Results suggest youth day events can be effective at driving positive shifts in participation intention and subjective norm among youth populations.,A control group was not possible as an ethical limitation was created from the school boards which did not allow for some students/classes within the study to not experience the event. Researchers are encouraged to develop a study which allows for a youth control group and assesses the shift in behavioral antecedents at multiple time points post-event.,The paper includes implications for how to leverage subjective norms as a means of motivating post-event participation.,The paper fulfils a methodological gap to move beyond cross-sectional data and employ pre-post event research designs to measure the effect spectating an elite sport competition can have on youth’s motivation to participate in the sport on display.



本文旨在探讨在精英体育比赛中参加青少年日活动对青少年观众参与展示体育活动的动机的影响。本文以计划行为理论(TPB)为基础。在加拿大安大略省2016年米尔顿国际田径自行车挑战赛的青年日活动中,赛前和赛后问卷针对当地的七,八年级学生(n = 318)进行了管理。问卷调查是在青年节开始前一个星期,并在事件发生后立即进行的。每个文件都提供了从事件前行为方式到事件后行为方式转变的经验性见解。结果表明,青年节活动可以有效地推动青年人群的参与意向和主观规范发生积极变化。对照组是不可能的,因为从学校董事会创建了道德限制,这不允许研究中的某些学生/班级没有经历这一事件。鼓励研究人员进行一项研究,以建立一个青年对照组,并评估事件发生后多个时间点的行为前因变化。本文探讨了如何利用主观规范作为激励事件后参与的手段。 ,本文填补了超越横截面数据的方法学空白,并采用事前事后研究设计来衡量观察精英体育比赛对年轻人参加展示运动的动机的影响。