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Refugees and the System: Social and Cultural Capital during U.S. Resettlement
International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling Pub Date : 2019-06-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s10447-019-09383-9
Claudia G. Interiano-Shiverdecker , Elvita Kondili , Sejal Parikh-Foxx

Using Pierre Bourdieu’s ( 1986 ) theory of social and cultural capital, this phenomenological study explored how access to cultural resources and social networks impacted refugees’ mental health during their U.S. resettlement. Interviews with six refugees and five staff members of local refugee agencies revealed two themes and eight subthemes. The main themes were (i) resources that achieved stability, and (ii) refugees’ acquisition of cultural resources required to thrive as citizens in their host country. Implications for counselors who work with refugees around the world and for future research are discussed.



使用皮埃尔·布迪厄 (Pierre Bourdieu) (1986) 的社会和文化资本理论,这项现象学研究探讨了在美国重新安置期间,获得文化资源和社会网络如何影响难民的心理健康。对六名难民和当地难民机构五名工作人员的采访揭示了两个主题和八个子主题。主题是 (i) 实现稳定的资源,以及 (ii) 难民获得在东道国作为公民茁壮成长所需的文化资源。讨论了对与世界各地难民一起工作的顾问和未来研究的影响。