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Amplifying Voices: Investigating a Cross-Institutional, Mutual Mentoring Program for URM Women in STEM
Innovative Higher Education ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s10755-020-09506-w
Sandra Petersen , Barbara Zurer Pearson , Mary A. Moriarty

Underrepresented minority women in STEM comprise the faculty group most likely to leave academia. To address this issue we instituted a program called “Amplifying Voices,” a virtual, mutual mentoring program linking four groups of six women across 20 institutions. We facilitated bi-weekly Zoom meetings for two years and evaluated the effectiveness of the program. Participants reported reduced isolation, increased confidence, and enhanced self-efficacy. The groups were considered most successful when comprised of women who had similar career goals, but different perspectives, experiences, academic ranks and institutional affiliations. To inform future mentoring efforts, we identified issues and strategies frequently discussed in meetings.


放大声音:调查针对 STEM 领域 URM 女性的跨机构、相互指导计划

STEM 中代表性不足的少数族裔女性构成了最有可能离开学术界的教师群体。为了解决这个问题,我们制定了一个名为“放大声音”的项目,这是一个虚拟的、相互指导的项目,将 20 个机构的四组六名女性联系起来。两年来,我们推动了每两周一次的 Zoom 会议,并评估了该计划的有效性。参与者报告说,孤立感减少了,信心增加了,自我效能感增强了。当这些团体由具有相似职业目标但具有不同观点、经验、学术等级和机构隶属关系的女性组成时,被认为是最成功的。为了告知未来的指导工作,我们确定了会议中经常讨论的问题和策略。