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Early childhood education and cultural learning: systematic observation of the behaviour of a caregiver at the Emmi Pikler nursery school during breakfast / Educación temprana y aprendizaje cultural: observación sistemática de la conducta de la educadora Pikler durante el desayuno
Infancia y Aprendizaje ( IF 0.714 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02103702.2018.1553268
Haizea Belza 1 , Elena Herrán 1 , M. Teresa Anguera 2

Abstract The objective of this study is to analyse the everyday behaviour of a caregiver at the Emmi Pikler nursery school in Budapest as she manages the breakfast of the 12 children aged 2–3 under her care, as an example of quality care. The methodology used was observational. The design was idiographic, follow-up and multidimensional, and the observation instrument is a field format developed ad hoc. The relations of sequentiality and association among the caregiver’s different behaviours are analysed: the actions related to the breakfast itself, the use of space and the gestures accompanying the actions. The results, which were obtained via a lag sequential analysis, demonstrate the existence of a twofold behavioural pattern, instrumental and relational, in which each instrumental action inherent to breakfast is associated with a specific, unique repertoire of postural accompaniment, a combination of gestures and postures on the part of the caregiver, thus forming a clear, univocal sequence for children to learn the meal routine autonomously.



摘要这项研究的目的是分析布达佩斯的Emmi Pikler托儿所的保姆在管理12名2至3岁儿童早餐时的日常行为,以此作为优质护理的一个例子。使用的方法是观察性的。设计是具体的,后续的和多维的,观察仪器是临时开发的现场格式。分析了护理人员不同行为之间的顺序关系和关联关系:与早餐本身有关的动作,空间的使用以及伴随动作的手势。通过滞后顺序分析获得的结果表明,存在着双重的行为模式,即工具性和关联性行为,其中早餐固有的每种工具行为都与特定的,