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Jobless growth through the lens of structural transformation
Indian Growth and Development Review ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-11 , DOI: 10.1108/igdr-07-2018-0077
Vinoj Abraham

This paper aims to analyse the observed “jobless growth” between 1993-1994 and 2011-2012 based on structural transformation to explain why the elasticity of employment generation to gross domestic product growth has declined during this period.,This paper uses the job generation and growth decomposition tool to quantify the effects of inter-sectoral mobility of workers, intra-sectoral productivity changes and demographic changes on per capita value added growth. Alternative scenarios are generated to simulate the effect of higher female labour participation rates.,Structural transformation in India between 1993-1994 and 2011-2012 was characterised by increasing labour productivity in most sectors, inter-sectoral mobility of workers and a decline in the employment rate. About 81 per cent of the increase in per capita value added was because of a rise in labour productivity; about 24 per cent was because of inter-sectoral shifts of labour; and about 9 per cent because of demographic changes. The decline in the employment rate had a negative effect of −14.20 per cent. The process of transformation was unconventional. First, labour productivity growth was the highest in the service sector and second, the bulk of the movement of labour was to the construction sector.,This paper focusses only on the quantitative dimensions of employment and offers no new explanations why female labour force participation declined.,This paper offers a new perspective on the debate of jobless growth focussing on structural transformation.



本文旨在基于结构转型分析 1993-1994 年和 2011-2012 年观察到的“失业增长”,以解释为什么在此期间创造就业对国内生产总值增长的弹性下降。用于量化工人跨部门流动、部门内生产力变化和人口结构变化对人均附加值增长的影响的增长分解工具。生成替代情景以模拟较高女性劳动参与率的影响。,1993-1994 年和 2011-2012 年间印度结构转型的特点是大多数部门的劳动生产率提高、工人跨部门流动和就业下降速度。人均增加值的增长中约有 81% 是由于劳动生产率的提高;大约 24% 是因为劳动力的跨部门转移;大约 9% 是由于人口变化。就业率的下降产生了-14.20%的负面影响。转型的过程是非常规的。首先,服务业的劳动生产率增长最高,其次,劳动力的大部分流动都流向了建筑业。,本文仅关注就业的数量维度,并没有对女性劳动力参与率下降的原因提供新的解释.,本文为围绕结构转型的失业增长辩论提供了一个新视角。大约 9% 是由于人口变化。就业率的下降产生了-14.20%的负面影响。转型的过程是非常规的。首先,服务业的劳动生产率增长最高,其次,劳动力的大部分流动都流向了建筑业。,本文仅关注就业的数量维度,并没有对女性劳动力参与率下降的原因提供新的解释.,本文为围绕结构转型的失业增长辩论提供了一个新视角。大约 9% 是由于人口变化。就业率的下降产生了-14.20%的负面影响。转型的过程是非常规的。首先,服务业的劳动生产率增长最高,其次,劳动力的大部分流动都流向了建筑业。,本文仅关注就业的数量维度,并没有对女性劳动力参与率下降的原因提供新的解释.,本文为围绕结构转型的失业增长辩论提供了一个新视角。