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Negotiating public history in the Republic of Ireland: collaborative, applied and usable practices for the profession
Historical Research ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-14 , DOI: 10.1111/1468-2281.12192
Thomas Cauvin 1 , Ciaran O'Neill 2

Since the nineteen-seventies public history has emerged as an increasingly coherent discipline in North America, Australia, New Zealand, the U.K. and, latterly, in a wider European context. In all of these places it has had a connected but distinctly different gestation, and the nature of how history is applied, constructed, proffered or sold for public consumption is unique to each society. In Ireland, and within the history profession connected to it, its meaning is yet to be fully explored. Recent talks, symposia and conferences have established the term in the public imagination. As it is presently conceived public history in Ireland either relates specifically to commemorative events and the effect historians might have on official discourse relating to them, or to a series of controversial and contested historiographical debates. This article, by contrast, seeks a wider, more inclusive definition that includes the ‘public’ as an actor in it.



自 19 世纪 70 年代以来,公共历史在北美、澳大利亚、新西兰、英国以及后来在更广泛的欧洲范围内成为一门日益连贯的学科。在所有这些地方,它都有一个相互关联但又截然不同的孕育,而历史如何被应用、构建、提供或出售以供公共消费的性质对于每个社会都是独一无二的。在爱尔兰以及与之相关的历史专业中,其含义尚未得到充分探索。最近的会谈、座谈会和会议已经在公众的想象中确立了这个词。正如目前所设想的,爱尔兰的公共历史要么专门涉及纪念事件以及历史学家可能对与这些事件相关的官方话语产生的影响,要么涉及一系列有争议和有争议的史学辩论。