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Towards a New Interpretation of Quran 4:34
HAWWA ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-07 , DOI: 10.1163/15692086-12341309
Nafiseh Ghafournia 1

For almost fourteen centuries, Muslim men and women believed, or have been led to believe, that beating wives is a permitted act in Islam and the Quran has been used to support this physical violence against women. Permissible violence against women has mainly been justified on the basis of the Quranic verse 4:34. Since its revelation, there has been a long time challenge to explore the real meaning of the verse. The translations and interpretations of this verse have caused much consternation among scholars, including this author. However, important attempts have recently been made to define or interpret the verse. In this study, two different strands of interpretation are explored: patriarchal and egalitarian. While there are many interpretations of the verse, this study focuses only on the works of some of the most renowned scholars and theologians. A critical analysis of different approaches to the interpretation of this verse shows that the contradictions and complexities related to the verse are not inherent in the Quran itself but are rooted in the intentional or unintentional neglect and misuse of the text by authoritative Muslim scholars. This study argues for a more progressive approach to interpreting the verse which is compatible with a holistic comprehension of the text and teaching of Islam.


对古兰经的新解释 4:34

近十四个世纪以来,穆斯林男人和女人相信或被引导相信殴打妻子是伊斯兰教允许的行为,而古兰经已被用来支持这种对妇女的身体暴力。主要根据古兰经 4:34 为允许的对妇女的暴力行为辩护。自从它被启示以来,探索这节经文的真正含义一直是一个长期的挑战。这节经文的翻译和解释引起了包括作者在内的许多学者的惊愕。然而,最近有一些重要的尝试来定义或解释这节经文。在这项研究中,探讨了两种不同的解释链:父权制和平等主义。虽然对这节经文有很多解释,本研究仅关注一些最著名的学者和神学家的著作。对这节经文不同解释方法的批判性分析表明,与这节经文相关的矛盾和复杂性并非古兰经本身所固有,而是源于权威的穆斯林学者有意或无意地忽视和滥用文本。本研究主张采用一种更渐进的方法来解释这节经文,这种方法与对伊斯兰教文本和教义的整体理解相一致。