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All In: The Spread of Gambling in Twentieth-Century United States ed. by Jonathan D. Cohen and David G. Schwartz
Great Plains Quarterly ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/gpq.2019.0043
Helen Breen

As the title states, this book is a broad multidisciplinary study of gambling during the twentieth century in the US. At the turn of the twentieth century, commercial gambling had been all but outlawed across the nation. In contrast, by the turn of the twentyfirst century, many forms of commercial gambling had been legalized and gambling was widely available in most states. Th e focus here is an examination of major historical, legal, social, religious, ethical, cultural, literary, and sporting infl uences on the restrictions and growth of US gambling over a century. In ten chapters, wellinformed scholars analyze causes and consequences of this gambling evolution and its legitimizing processes. As background to these evolutionary processes, three factors were from time to time very important: Americans liked to gamble regardless of its legality, criminals and corporations became wealthy because the public liked to gamble, and state governments looking to reduce budget defi cits were reluctant to raise taxes. In summary, All In: Th e Spread of Gambling in TwentiethCentury United States is a valuable reference book for its breadth of topics and depth of investigation by the authors. Relevant especially for Great Plains readers is a chapter that explores the impact of gambling commercialization and casino development on the culture and land of the Ojibwe people in North Dakota. Th e author, Seema Kurup, uses the insightful writings of novelist Louise Erdrich, an enrolled member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Ojibwe, to examine the dynamics of casinos on tribal reservations and to document concerns about the preservation of tribal culture. From the description of vignettes from Erdrich’s books, a paradox emerges. If reservation casinos have brought economic benefi ts and opportunities to invigorate dying elements of tribal identity (such as protection of languages), then this development appears to have been at the expense of tribal values and sovereignty. Using Erdrich’s stories, Kurup suggests that some disruption to traditional power structures and commodifi cation of tribal traditions, symbols, and artefacts are closely linked to tribal casino development. While there are some successful casinos, many have not produced the benefi ts anticipated by the tribal group. The methodology used in Kurup’s chapter is somewhat unusual but demonstrates a range of scholarly approaches useful in the study of gambling. It is very informative and well written, with the main points supported by book extracts and quotations. Th is chapter challenges everyone to respectfully consider the longterm costs of legalized gambling on tribal values, traditions, and identity.


All In:赌博在二十世纪美国的蔓延编辑。作者:Jonathan D. Cohen 和 David G. Schwartz

正如书名所述,本书是对 20 世纪美国赌博的广泛多学科研究。在二十世纪之交,商业赌博在全国范围内几乎被取缔。相比之下,到了 21 世纪之交,许多形式的商业赌博已经合法化,并且赌博在大多数州都可以广泛使用。这里的重点是考察一个世纪以来对美国赌博的限制和增长的主要历史、法律、社会、宗教、伦理、文化、文学和体育影响。在十章中,见多识广的学者分析了这种赌博演变及其合法化过程的原因和后果。作为这些进化过程的背景,三个因素不时非常重要:美国人喜欢赌博,不管其合法性,犯罪分子和公司变得富有,因为公众喜欢赌博,而希望减少预算赤字的州政府不愿提高税收。总之,All In: The Spread of Gambling in TwentiethCentury United States 是一本有价值的参考书,因为它的主题广度和作者的调查深度。与大平原读者特别相关的是一章,探讨了赌博商业化和赌场发展对北达科他州奥吉布韦人的文化和土地的影响。作者 Seema Kurup 使用小说家 Louise Erdrich(奥吉布韦龟山乐队的注册成员)的富有洞察力的著作来研究部落保留地赌场的动态,并记录对部落文化保护的担忧。从 Erdrich 书中对小插曲的描述中,出现了一个悖论。如果保留赌场带来了经济利益和机会来振兴部落身份的垂死元素(例如语言保护),那么这种发展似乎是以牺牲部落价值观和主权为代价的。库鲁普利用 Erdrich 的故事指出,对传统权力结构的一些破坏以及部落传统、符号和人工制品的商品化与部落赌场的发展密切相关。虽然有一些成功的赌场,但许多赌场并没有产生部落集团预期的收益。Kurup 章节中使用的方法有点不寻常,但展示了一系列对赌博研究有用的学术方法。它内容丰富,写得很好,书中的摘录和引文支持要点。这一章要求每个人尊重地考虑合法赌博对部落价值观、传统和身份的长期成本。