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Mitakuye Oyasin (We Are All Related): Connecting Communication and Culture of the Lakota
Great Plains Quarterly ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/gpq.2019.0055
Daniel P. Modaff

Abstract:This essay explores the connections between traditional culture and communication practices of the Lakota. Data were gathered through observation, interviews with elders, and archival analysis conducted primarily with the Sicangu Lakota of the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota with additional data from the Oglala Lakota of Pine Ridge and Dakota of Lake Traverse Reservations. The central principle of Lakota philosophy that emerged from the research was the concept of mitakuye oyasin (translated as “we are all related” or “all my relatives”). From the core principle of mitakuye oyasin another cultural principle emerged— respect. Based on those cultural principles, the Lakota developed an extensive value system including the prevalent values of bravery, generosity, fortitude, and wisdom. This value system affected the growth of their kinship system and related cultural communication practices such as avoidances, use of silence, and minimal eye contact.


Mitakuye Oyasin(我们都是相关的):连接拉科塔人的交流和文化

摘要:本文探讨了拉科塔人的传统文化与传播实践之间的联系。数据是通过观察、与长者的访谈以及主要对南达科他州玫瑰花蕾保护区的 Sicangu Lakota 进行的档案分析以及来自松树岭的 Oglala Lakota 和特拉弗斯湖保护区的 Dakota 的其他数据收集的。研究中出现的 Lakota 哲学的中心原则是 mitakuye oyasin 的概念(翻译为“我们都是亲戚”或“我所有的亲戚”)。从 mitakuye oyasin 的核心原则中出现了另一个文化原则——尊重。基于这些文化原则,拉科塔人发展了一个广泛的价值体系,包括勇敢、慷慨、坚韧和智慧的普遍价值观。