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Rethinking UN Peacekeeping Burden-Sharing in a Time of Global Disorder
Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s40647-019-00274-2
Arthur Boutellis

When United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres diagnosed the world with a bad case of ‘trust deficit disorder’ in 2018, UN peacekeeping seemed to have been somewhat sheltered from an increasingly chaotic world order. In September 2018, more than 150 member states signed a Declaration of Shared Commitments on UN Peacekeeping Operations (A4P). But a year later, however, on the eve of the organization’s 75th anniversary, what remains the most visible conflict management tool at the disposal of the Security Council is seeing fault lines widening. The traditional consensus over peacekeeping is eroding. Burden-sharing between those countries who, respectively, mandate, finance, and provide peacekeepers has become ever more complex in a context of an increasingly divided Council and new financial crises. Peacekeeping visions have grown further apart as some member states push for more militarized stabilization and protection of civilians approaches when others call for a return to the core principles of peacekeeping. The author concludes that despite these fault lines, peacekeeping remains a remarkable enterprise of multilateralism through which trust and solidarity between member states can be reinforced. This at the condition that greater emphasis be put when carrying out necessary reforms on a more just and equitable burden-sharing—among the P5, between the P5 and ten elected members of the Council, and between the Council and Troop Contributing Countries—and on rebuilding consensus and coherence both in New York and in field missions.



当联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)在2018年诊断出世界上有一个严重的“信任不足症”案例时,联合国维和行动似乎已被越来越混乱的世界秩序所掩盖。2018年9月,超过150个成员国签署了《联合国维持和平行动共同承诺宣言》(A4P)。但是一年之后,在联合国成立75周年前夕,仍然是安全理事会可以使用的最明显的冲突管理工具,其断层线正在扩大。关于维持和平的传统共识正在侵蚀。在安理会日益分化和新的金融危机的背景下,分别授权,资助和提供维持和平人员的国家之间的负担分担变得越来越复杂。当一些会员国要求更军事化的稳定和保护平民的方法,而另一些要求恢复维持和平的核心原则时,维持和平的愿景则进一步分开。作者得出的结论是,尽管存在这些断层线,但维持和平仍然是多边主义的杰出事业,通过它可以加强成员国之间的信任和团结。这在那个更加强调一个更加公正和公平地分摊-中P5当执行必要的改革,将P5和理事会十个当选成员之间放,而安理会和部队派遣国之间的国家,并在条件在纽约和外地特派团中重建共识和连贯性。