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EU coordination of social security from the point of view of EU integration theory
European Journal of Social Security ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1177/1388262720938154
Oxana Golynker 1

This article comprises a study of the negotiation of the Commission’s proposal for amending Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 on the coordination of social security systems and Regulation (EC) No 987/2009 in the context of EU integration theories. This analysis is used to argue that the current integration stage in the coordination of social security is a complex phenomenon which displays elements of intergovernmentalism, neo-functionalism and post-functionalism. The negotiation process highlights the disagreements between the key players which may have important consequences for the future of EU regulation in the area of coordination of social security. The article concludes that the signs of intergovernmentalism are prevalent, as evident in the attention the Commission has given to the concerns of the Member States, the negotiating position of the Council, and the vote of the European Parliament which failed to approve the proposal at the first reading. This prevalence has led to a pause in the reform of the coordination regulations and may eventually lead to compromises that will weaken the progress of integration in the future. At the same time, the article argues that the theory of post-functionalism is important in explaining the phenomenon of Brexit with regard to the UK’s position in the negotiation of the Commission’s proposal and its future relevance for UK and EU citizens affected by the UK’s departure from the EU. The article concludes that disintegration along the lines of post-functionalism should not prevent the reintegration of the UK into the EU coordination of social security schemes, but may reinforce the prevalence of intergovernmentalism.



本文包括在欧盟一体化理论的背景下,对欧盟委员会关于社会保障体系协调的第 883/2004 号条例和 (EC) 第 987/2009 号条例的修订提案的谈判研究。这一分析被用来论证当前社会保障协调的整合阶段是一个复杂的现象,它具有政府间主义、新功能主义和后功能主义的元素。谈判过程突出了关键参与者之间的分歧,这可能对欧盟社会保障协调领域的未来监管产生重要影响。该文章的结论是,政府间主义的迹象普遍存在,这从委员会对成员国关注的关注中可见一斑,理事会的谈判立场,以及欧洲议会的投票一读未能通过该提案。这种盛行导致了协调规则改革的暂停,并可能最终导致妥协,削弱未来整合的进展。同时,文章认为,后功能主义理论对于解释英国脱欧现象具有重要意义,涉及英国在欧盟委员会提案谈判中的立场及其对未来受英国脱欧影响的英国和欧盟公民的相关性。来自欧盟。文章的结论是,后功能主义的解体不应阻止英国重新融入欧盟社会保障计划的协调中,但可能会加强政府间主义的盛行。