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Pathographies and Epiphanies: Communicating about Illness
European Journal of Scandinavian Studies ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-25 , DOI: 10.1515/ejss-2019-0021
Linda Nesby

Abstract Epiphany is a literary device bringing forth an experience of sudden wisdom or insight and is particularly applied to literature from the romantic era. However, epiphanies are also present within contemporary autobiographical patient stories (pathographies) expressing something that is difficult and perhaps otherwise left unspoken. Kristian Gidlund’s pathography I kroppen min. Resan mot livets slut och alltings början (2013) deals with the author’s experience of having severe cancer. Gidlund was a non-religious person but at the end of his life, his blogposts included epiphanies or visionary moments regarding his afterlife. In this article the author shows how the use of epiphanies can be a subtle means of expressing thoughts and feelings when facing severe illness. Knowing how to identify and interpret epiphanies in pathographies can improve the abilities of relatives and medical staff to communicate with patients about existential matters and emotional distress. KAKA I would like to thank Rachael Reynolds and Paul Farmer for their most conscientious proofreading, and Dr. Christopher Oscarson for the accurate translation of the quotes from Kristian Gidlund’s book.



摘要主显节是一种文学工具,可带来突如其来的智慧或洞察力,特别适用于浪漫时代的文学。然而,当代自传患者故事(病理学)中也存在主显节,表达了一些困难的内容,或者可能是其他未被说出来的内容。克里斯蒂安·吉德伦(Kristian Gidlund)的病历。Resan mot livets slut och alltingsbörjan(2013)处理了作者患严重癌症的经历。吉德伦德(Gildlund)是非宗教人士,但在他生命的尽头,他的博文中包含有关他来世的顿悟或有远见的时刻。在本文中,作者展示了使用顿悟可以在面对严重疾病时成为表达思想和情感的微妙手段。知道如何识别和解释病理学中的顿悟可以提高亲属和医务人员与患者就生存问题和情绪困扰进行沟通的能力。KAKA,我要感谢Rachael Reynolds和Paul Farmer的最认真的校对,以及Christopher Oscarson博士对克里斯蒂安·吉德伦德(Kristian Gidlund)书中引语的准确翻译。